

See, all shiny and clean :) And handsome - look at that face! If I ever breed rats I only want to breed rexes & double rexes. Lymph nodes are still up, but he's still acting fine.

So, now the boys and girls are all in the big cage again. Girls on the bottom, boys on top - seperated by the steel grate/shelf that's already welded there, plus the grate that goes in the bottom(I just use the plastic tray on the bottom). So no babies. However, half of the isn't really enough for the boys. So I gave them a "penthouse" use the trap door on the top + the wire part of the gp cage. So far, so good.

Now for pictures of course - can you find them all?


Pie & Gumbo sharing a bone(yes, actually sharing!)
Linus, sleepin'. Still going strong at 16 months old(as is his brother).
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