
Mice past

Here are some(most) of the mice I've had in the past, in spring 06 - fall 07

Adorable baby Curly at 2 weeks old. I hand raised him.
With his sibling, Larry-Moe
At 4 weeks!
Grown up
Tippy, Andy, Abby(rescue). The people gave her up after having her for 2 years because they were having a baby. Shelter had her for 2 months, I had her for 2 months, so she lived at least 2 yrs 5 months.
Lilly(Tippy's sister, runt)
Rat! Named so because he acted/looked like a rat
Felix, one of my very first pair.
Abby and Tippy. Tippy was my favorite girl mouse.
Andy- she was a dumbo, like a dumbo rat.


Felix & Alexx


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