
Conf - Minor - Lime Green Flamingos - 1 - Jan-13-08

Lime Green Flamingos
Show Number 1
Show Closing Date - Jan-13-08

Final Winners


BIS - NDOSB's Crunchetize Me Cap'n - A59963 (Manchester Terrier(Standard))
BW - Kaulike's Love Phoenix - A58293 (Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
RW - PrimRose's Summertime Blues - A60706 (Galgo Espanol)
W1 - GDK Poison Arrow - A49837 (Miniature Pinscher)
W2 - RS's Unbearable Blizzard - A28207 (Alaskan Malamute)


BIS - LGF's Don't Get Stuck - A55362 (Orange Shorthair)
BW - NB Girl Your Gonna Get'em - A59544 (American Wirehair)
RW - Sun Shower's Lotus Flower - A47215 (Korat)
W1 - It's F-F-Frio at Fango - A59169 (Persian)
W2 - Viking's Villt Vann - A61855 (Norwegian Forest Cat)

Group Winners

Gundog | Also Shorlisted: See arena
1 - Kaulike's Love Phoenix - A58293 (Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
2 - Samhradh's Laughter In The Rain - A49940 (English Setter)
3 - FAB's Minutes of Attraction - A58396 (Spinone Italiano)
4 - Cambria Sassafrass and Sycamore - A54647 (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever)

Hound | Also Shorlisted: See arena
1 - PrimRose's Summertime Blues - A60706 (Galgo Espanol)
2 - CGMK's Building Rome at Samhradh - A54052 (Dachshund (Wirehair))
3 - Cambria Peregrin Took - A53200 (Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen)
4 - Cato's Anti-Semantic - A54805 (Portuguese Podengo (Miniature))

Pastoral | Also Shorlisted: Border Collie, Iceland Dog, DSD(Shorthair), Aussie, Belgian Tervueren, Mudi
1 - Sunhill's Protector of Life - A60033 (Finnish Reindeer Herder)
2 - Harig Von Sunhill - A60132 (Schapendoes)
3 - Kuja's On A Well Lit Stage - A53362 (Old English Sheepdog)
4 - Cargo's In His Footsteps - A46857 (Polish Lowland Sheepdog)

Terrier | Also Shorlisted: Fox Terrier(Smooth), Bull Terrier, Border Terrier, Sealyham Terrier
1 - NDOSB's Crunchetize Me Cap'n - A59963 (Manchester Terrier(Standard))
2 - Sunhill's The Incredible Hulk - A59927 (Staffordshire Bull Terrier)
3 - Roxxy's Ghost Sighting - A59213 (Irish Terrier)
4 - FlashFire Ranking Officer - A44599 (Fox Terrier(Wire))

Toy | Also Shorlisted: Japanese Chin, Havanese
1 - GDK Poison Arrow - A49837 (Miniature Pinscher)
2 - Viper's Smoke and Mirrors - A29573 (Lowchen)
3 - Cargo's Criminal Beauty - A53036 (Yorkshire Terrier)
4 - Sunhill's Anna Ioannovna - A60167 (Russian Toy (Shorhair))

Utility | Also Shorlisted: Shar Pei, Xoloitzquintle, Schipperke
1 - Kamvis's WANATSU-SAN - A47696 (Japanese Akita)
2 - CJM's Family Affair - A55092 (Dalmatian)
3 - Cato's Looks Like Love - A52963 (Tibetan Terrier)
4 - Yeah, You Better Run from Vulpes - A57613 (Peruvian Hairless Dog (Standard))

Working | Also Shorlisted: Dobermann, Boxer, Mastiff. Really hard choice between the Husky and the Mal!
1 - RS's Unbearable Blizzard - A28207 (Alaskan Malamute)
2 - Kuja's Young Bride - A51627 (Siberian Husky)
3 - Kuja's Talk About Romance - A56981 (Pyrenean Mastiff)
4 - Quixotic's Best Foot Forward - A59387 (Black Russian Terrier)

Feline 1 | Also Shorlisted: Ragamuffin, Kurilian Bobtail (Longhair)
1 - Viking's Villt Vann - A61855 (Norwegian Forest Cat)
2 - Nova Blue Taigan Spell - A59533 (Maine Coon)
3 - Sera Tattered Doll - A61217 (Ragdoll)
4 - Lua Azul Classic Chaos - A61506 (Turkish Angora)

Feline 2 | Also Shorlisted: American Shorthair
1 - It's F-F-Frio at Fango - A59169 (Persian)
2 - Viking's Rawr! - A55045 (Exotic)
3 - Viking's Betty Boop - A58763 (British Shorthair)
4 - Interlude Coral Reef - A60285 (Calico)

Feline 3 | Also Shorlisted: None
1 - LGF's Don't Get Stuck - A55362 (Orange Shorthair)
2 - Viking's Always In Fashion - A61851 (Scottish Fold (Shorhair))
3 - Sun Shower Cold As Steel - A51970 {Alley Cat)
4 - Toretto Deep As The Sky - A59562 (Manx)

Feline 4 | Also Shorlisted: German Rex
1 - NB Girl Your Gonna Get'em - A59544 (American Wirehair)
2 - Sun Shower's Tuxedo - A48437 (Sphynx)
3 - Centuri False Innocence - A50118 (Peterbald)
4 - Imperial's In For It Now - A54630 (La Perm (Longhair))

Feline 5 | Also Shorlisted: None
1 - Sun Shower's Lotus Flower - A47215 (Korat)
2 - Cargo's Glass Slipper - A47643 (Siamese)
3 - Centuri Seeking Serenity - A51709 (Seychellois (Shorhair))
4 - Sun Shower's Chocolate Chip - A51783 (Oriental Shorthair)

Feline 6 | Also Shorlisted: Bengal - Very nice group, with lots of pretty girl catz!
1 - Nova Blue Lilja 4-Ever - A56220 (American Havana Brown)
2 - Viking's Have You Met Miss Jones - A55371 (Snowshoe)
3 - Sun Shower's Butterscotch - A51968 (Burmese)
4 - Nova Blue Tracks in the Sand - A55289 (Ojos Azules)

Breed Winners

American Cocker Spaniel (24)
BOB - RKO Kats Heza Tramp - A47506
BOS - Tenrai's Gypsy Rose - A55568

Brittany (19)
BOB - Onesto's Hit the Road - A60400
BOS - Fleabitten's She's A Star - A53061

Chesapeake Bay Retriever (11)
BOB - Kaulike's Love Phoenix - A58293
BOS - Halcyon Whisper of the Ages - A59459

Clumber Spaniel (11)
BOB - DQK's Sorcerer's Bane - A52340
BOS - Smart Asset of Gunhill - A57588

Curly Coated Retriever (12)
BOB - Rivas Meeting of the Waters - A57768
BOS - Malz/Rivas Popular Legend - A60071

English Cocker Spaniel (13)
BOB - Heritage Dark Side Of The Moon - A52758
BOS - NDOSB's Swift and Sweet - A56815

English Setter (10)
BOB - Samhradh's Laughter In The Rain - A49940
BOS - ERK's Let Me Sing To You - A52013

English Springer Spaniel (18)
BOB - Toretto Don't Stop Me - A59373
BOS - Cargo's Echoed Souls - A55993

Feild Spaniel (5)
BOB - DQK's The Red Horse of War - A59378

Flat Coaed Retriever (19)
BOB - Rivas Copyright Protected - A36404
BOS - Sun Shower Etched In Stone - A47819

German Longhaired Pointer (6)
BOB - Sunhill's Flüssiges Feuer - A57073
BOS - NDOSB's Ticking Like A Clock - A56459

German Wachtelhund (8)
BOB - Sun Shower Wanna Leave A Legacy - A47672
BOS - Sun Shower You Are Sunrise - A49260

Golden Retriever (22)
BOB - Tweed River's Another Round - A45680
BOS - Tweed River's Shades Of Grey - A46026

Hungarian Vizsla (4 Shorthair - 1 Wirehair)
BOB - Lua Azul's/Lakeshore's Maradj Velem of Teacup - A58935
BOS - Lua Azul's/Lakeshore's Hazug Lány of Teacup - A57229

Irish Red and White Setter (6)
BOB - Tchotchke's And the Glory Got Shot - A59757
BOS - Heartlight's Patron Saint of Travellers - A55488

Irish Setter (6)
BOB - PRK Whats All the Hullabaloo? - A59319
BOS - Cambria First Lady - A52778

Labrador Retriever (21)
BOB - Interlude Marley and Me - A60284
BOS - Bayfront Pretty Girl - A60206

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (15)
BOB - Cambria Sassafrass and Sycamore - A54647
BOS - Applewood Constellation In Flames - A57087

Portuguese Pointer (7)
BOB - Kaulike's Muy Guapo - A58077
BOS - Kaulike's Viva Las Vegas - A58078

Spinone Italiano (5)
BOB - FAB's Minutes of Attraction - A58396
BOS - FAB's Sunday Evenings - A58395

Weimaraner (6)
BOB - RKO Kats Bit Of Sunshine - A46500
BOS - RKO Kats At The Helm - A55091

Welsh Springer Spaniel (15)
BOB - Teacup's Icestorm Arising - A59886
BOS - Teacup's Iceberg - A59887

Afghan Hound (21)
BOB - Paradigm's Smoke On The Water - A56138
BOS - Cargo's Untune the Sky - A56404

Azawakh (6)
BOB - Heritage Red Snake - A55208
BOS - ERK's Saturday in Africa - A56716

Basenji (22)
BOB - Paradigm's Lines From Withered Love - A59862
BOS - Cato's Priceless Clouds Overhead - A59772

Basset Hound (15)
BOB - Paradigm's Biscuits and Gravy - A57503
BOS - Baypoint Expressions - A60200

Bluetick Coonhound (9)
BOB - Chocowinity Hey Good Lookin' - A58321
BOS - Lakeshore's This Little Light Of Mine - A29963

Borzoi (13)
BOB - Cargo's Windy City - A54463
BOS - Wellshire's Beyond Doubt - A53529

Catahoula Leopard Dog (5)
BOB - DeeOhGee's Mighty Hectate at GDK - A60085
BOS - DeeOhGee's Sweeter Than - A58835

Dachshund (8 Longhair - 6 Shorhair - 2 Wirehair)
BOB - CGMK's Building Rome at Samhradh - A54052
BOS - Samhradh's Absolution Project - A52999

Galgo Espanol (6)
BOB - PrimRose's Summertime Blues - A60706
BOS - Sunhill's No Me Alcanzas - A49022

Greyhound (12)
BOB - Halcyon Rampant Rascal - A59527
BOS - Fango Rising in Cairo - A60029

Ibizan Hound (7 Shorthair - 4 Wirehair)
BOB - Nairobi's Sea Of Sorrow - A57972
BOS - Chateau Some Like It Hot Sauce - A57232

Karelian Bear Dog (7)
BOB - Butch Cassidy of Zarcrest - BOB - A57415
BOS - ERK's Lady Marguerite - A51433

Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (7)
BOB - Cambria Peregrin Took - A53200
BOS - Cambria Water's Edge - A53178

Pharaoh Hound (5)
BOB - Sun Shower's Sun God - A47642
BOS - Assaad Jewel Of The Nile - A49256

Rhodesian Ridgeback (5)
BOB - CJM's Rockin' the Hawk - A57538
BOS - HTT's Consider This - A37935

Saluki(Longhair) (13)
BOB - Samhradh's Keeping The Flame - A59030
BOS - Onesto's Drive Me Wild - A55291

Deerhound (5)
BOB - Sunhill's Fiadh Sealgair - A60106
BOS - Cambria Firestorm - A54129

Segugio Italiano (8)
BOB - Una Notte D'estate of Grandeur - A33469
BOS - Nova Blue Lonely Wanderer - A59539

Whippet (10)
BOB - Kamvis's ALWAYS ON THE RUN - A58965
BOS - Grandeur Ghost Rider - A57528

Australian Kelpie (5)
BOB - Samhradh's Thousand Mile Wish - A59162
BOS - DeeOhGee's Flying Colors - A60431

Australian Shepherd (24)
BOB - CJM's In the Dark - A52568
BOS - DragonStone's At World's End - A59948

Azores Cattle Dog (8)
BOB - Askari Basic Rhythm - A55230
BOS - Kuja's Half the World Away - A58475

Bearded Collie (11)
BOB - Teacup's Meaner Than Mean - A50167
BOS - Wildfyre's What's It To Ya? - A52290

Beauceron (14)
BOB - Heritage Tiger Lilly - A50955
BOS - NB's Mystical Pegusus - A29945

Belgian Shepherd (3 Malinois - 3 Tervueren)
BOB - Heritage Ripley's Believe It Or Not - A56541
BOS - Vulpes She'll Break Your Heart - A58881

Border Collie (17)
BOB - NDOSB's Devonshire Gardens - A56840
BOS - WW Little Wallop - A50453

Bouvier des Ardennes (6)
BOB - NB/Paradigm's Television Superstar - A55299
BOS - Fango Thy Good Rapier - A57186

Bouvier des Flandres (10)
BOB - Wildfyre's The Lady Is A Tramp at Kuja - A55924
BOS - Wildfyre's The Good Life - A51281

Briard (12)
BOB - Sabriyah's Just So Happened - A43541
BOS - Cargo's Southern Show-stopper - A53488

Cardigan Welsh Corgi (14)
BOB - Faerietail Midnight Rider - A52693
BOS - HWC Out Of Reach - A59555

Collie (Rough) (11)
BOB - Palmetto Aiming High - A60111
BOS - Quixotic's Cobalt Fancy - A58318

Collie (Smooth) (11)
BOB - NB/GDK Touch My Fire - A58758
BOS - Paradigm's Desperate For Sunshine - A52855

English Shepherd (6)
BOB - Wellshire's Bring It On - A57720
BOS - Georgie's English Prince - A53801

Estrela Mountain Dog (10)
BOB - Samhradh/Wildfyre's China Roses - a59822
BOS - Kamvis's CARREGAL DO SAL - A57433

Finnish Lapphund (5)
BOB - Nova Blue Winter Comet - A56699
BOS - Nightwish' Gothic Lolita - A60120

Lapponian Herder (10)
BOB - Sunhill's Protector of Life - A60033
BOS - Aiedail's Spirit of Memory - A52926

German Shepherd Dog (25)
BOB - DragonStone's Annabell Caro - A59498
BOS - Sno's Rebelln To Anything - A59029

Great Pyrenees (10)
BOB - Redwall's Dog of the Military - A32850
BOS - Lotus' Nothing is Red - A52961

Mudi (13)
BOB - Kamvis's Hajnali Óceán - A55710
BOS - DeeOhGee's Loads of Stuff - A59255

Old English Sheepdog (15)
BOB - Kuja's On A Well Lit Stage - A53362
BOS - Kuja/CGMK's Fame Academy at Teacup - A49998

Pembroke Welsh Corgi (8)
BOB - Nairobi's Fear The Voices - A58085
BOS - Lotus' Your Love Alone Is Not Enough - A52507

Polish Lowland Sheepdog (6)
BOB - Cargo's In His Footsteps - A46857

Puli (7)
BOB - Sunhill's Feher Lovag - A60104
BOS - Lakeshore's Broken Comb - A59995

Shetland Sheepdog (22)
BOB - Tartan's Supernatural Being - A59921
BOS - Cambria Stellar Presence - A54484

Swedish Lapphund (5)
BOB - Nova Blue Fangad i Frosten - A57347
BOS - Nova Blue Surt Sa Räven - A57348

White Shepherd (6)
BOB - Fango On His Shoulders - A58371
BOS - Legend's Of the Fall - A51561

Airedale Terrier (6)
BOB - Roxxy's Beautiful Co-Host - A45477
BOS - FAB's One Last Chance - A56512

American Staffordshire Terrier (20)
BOB - Centuri Taken for Granite - A48367
BOS - Kamvis's FADE TO BLACK - A54345

Bedlington Terrier (6)
BOB - LAMZ I'm A Little Surprized - A60463
BOS - RKO Kats From Heaven - A55331

Border Terrier (13)
BOB - Lakeshore's Hair Raising at Bantam - A56171
BOS - CJM's And the Oscar goes to Samhradh - A58730

Brazilian Terrier(5)
BOB - FAB's Love Symptoms - A55313
BOS - FlashFire Checkmate - A58776

Bull Terrier (12)
BOB - Lakeshore's American Gladiator - A60122
BOS - Kamvis's LIGHT IN THE DARK - A56912

Cesky Terrier (9)
BOB - Lotus' Bursting into Life - A50202
BOS - Lotus' Dark Sadness - A59628

Fox Terrier (Smooth) (9)
BOB - Nova Blue This Is My Nature - A52035
BOS - FlashFire Flash Back - A44487

Fox Terrier (Wire) (6)
BOB - FlashFire Ranking Officer - A44599
BOS - Lotus' Wait For the Summer - A58436

Kerry Blue Terrier (20)
BOB - Wildfyre's Goodbye Blue - A51010
BOS - Phiala/SK's Luck Of The Irish - A34960

Lakeland Terrier (8)
BOB - Roxxy Now Or Never - A60457
BOS - Centuri Jewels of Blasphemy - A57198

Miniature Schnauzer (10)
BOB - GDK/Lotus' Eternal Half-Moon - A49448
BOS - Lotus Last Place - A58818

Norfolk Terrier (11)
BOB - LHK's Global Recognition - A58297
BOS - Lotus' Armchair Apocrypha - A58512

Norwich Terrier (8)
BOB - Lotus' Chicago Drive - A53313
BOS - Sh's Irish Rose - A56580

Parson Russell Terrier (8)
BOB - Cambria Story of my Life - A52717
BOS - Georgie's Jack Frost - A58285

Rat Terrier (Standard) (6)
BOB - Sunhill's G.I. Blues - A60140

Sealyham Terrier (14)
BOB - Nimh's Willy Wonka - A49243
BOS - Cargo's Art Of Writing - A56573

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (5)
BOB - Sh's Dona Nobis Pacem - A56552
BOS - Sh's Dances On The Sand - A56551

Staffordshire Bull Terrier (8)
BOB - Sunhill's The Incredible Hulk - A59927
BOS - Shirobreaken’s Burn of Haigh - A57757

Bolognese (7)
BOB - Pete's Personal Bubble - A45105
BOS - FAB's To Rule Undefeated - A60031

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (21)
BOB - Cambria Stars in Your Eyes - A51134
BOS - Lakeshore's Have The Wish - A59957

Chihuahua (Longhair) (6)
BOB - Wellshire's Double Helix - A59574
BOS - Wellshire's Graced With Grace - A53431

Chihuahua Shorthair(7)
BOB - Paradigm's Bohemian Gentry - A59871
BOS - Fango Tin Lizzie - A58882

Havanese (15)
BOB - Hokulea's Temple Protector - A56945
BOS - Toretto Your Clown - A59833

Italian Greyhound (7)
BOB - Paradiz's Miniature Titanic - A40242
BOS - Paradigm's Lady Killer - A59967

Japanese Chin (8)
BOB - Hokulea's The Butterfly - A60448
BOS - Hokulea's Great Wisdom - A60447

Lowchen (18)
BOB - Viper's Smoke and Mirrors - A29573
BOS - Rampant Distressing Damsel - A60514

Miniature Pinscher (8)
BOB - GDK Poison Arrow - A49837
BOS - FAB's Heyy There Babygirl - A60468

Papillon (6 Papillon 4 Phalene)
BOB - Cambria Riveting Ride - A53192
BOS - Toretto True Love - A59797

Pekingese (16)
BOB - Sh's Like Oragami - A50179
BOS - Sunhill's Talks Like a Gentleman - A59966

Pomeranian (11)
BOB - Lakeshore's Babbling Brook - A52907
BOS - Tartan's Tri My Jazz - A59976

Russian Toy (3 Longhair 2 Shorhair)
BOB - Sunhill's Anna Ioannovna - A60167
BOS - Bramblewood Eyes On Me - A59741

Shih Tzu (9)
BOB - Lakeshore's Sweet Tea - A57357
BOS - GDK Up Stream - A47048

Yorkshire Terrier (9)
BOB - Cargo's Criminal Beauty - A53036
BOS - Sunhill's Dr. No - A60016

American Akita (25)
BOB - Kuja's Elevator Love Letter - A59629
BOS - Camri Make Or Break - A56568

Chow Chow(Longhair) (7)
BOB - Toretto's Pause For Thought - A31994
BOS - CJM's Night Attendant - A31647

Dalmatian (9)
BOB - CJM's Family Affair - A55092
BOS - Raindance's Ancient Artwork - A52790

German Spitz (3 Grosspitz 3 Mittelspitz 1 Kleinspitz)
BOB - Sunhill's Asche Zu Asche - A60134
BOS - Sunhill's Du Riechst So Gut - A60133

Kai (11)
BOB - Kutie's Unwritten Law - A60697
BOS - Cochise/Paradigm's Words of Wisdom - A57693

Miniature Poodle (14)
BOB - Cato's Hail The Heartbreaker - A53275
BOS - Cato's Ghost of the Stormdog - A57915

Norwegian Lundehund (7)
BOB - Sunhill's Åse Gåsepike - A47135
BOS - DeeOhGee's Funny Man - A60268

Schipperke (12)
BOB - KY's No Refunds V Shameless - A42512
BOS - Sunhill's Snelle Stap - A57392

Shar Pei (11)
BOB - Cato/Providence A Promise Made - A58457
BOS - Cato's Cabin Fever - A52989

Standard Poodle (16)
BOB - Sunhill/Cato's You and Me Both - A58459
BOS - Cato's Heavenly Plight - A57891

Tibetan Terrier (9)
BOB - Cato's Looks Like Love - A52963
BOS - RKO Kats Tibetian Lady - A43617

Toy Poodle (8)
BOB - Cato's Strokes of Hell - A57914
BOS - Cato's Catastrophic Smile - A58478

Xoloitzquintle (1 Miniature 5 Standard)
BOB - PR's Scherzo - A57759
BOS - ERK's Girl With Sass - A51891

Aidi (8)
BOB - Kaulike's Borne by Emperors - A60183
BOS - Samhradh's Goddess of the Night - A60182

Alaskan Malamute (11)
BOB - RS's Unbearable Blizzard - A28207
BOS - Kuja/Paradigm's Drunken Snowfall - A57069

American Bulldog (5)
BOB - Sunhill's Buffalo Bill - A57391

Anatolian Shepherd Dog (9)
BOB - Puerto Negro’s Nefretete - A58893
BOS - Sunhill's Uslu Kaplan - A59929

Bernese Mountain Dog (15)
BOB - CJM's Just Like Heaven - A53209
BOS - Halcyon Magic Act - A59578

Black Russian Terrier (5)
BOB - Quixotic's Best Foot Forward - A59387
BOS - Quixotic's Man of La Mancha - A59392

Boxer (13)
BOB - CJM's Sun Exposure - A53510
BOS - CJM's Finding Treasure - A55471

Cane Corso (13)
BOB - Bellezza Piccola at GDK - A47474
BOS - Phantom Good Guy Blues - A59556

Central Asian Ovtcharka (7)
BOB - Wellshire's White Rabbit - A60519
BOS - Kamvis's JU-SHAITAN - A58292

Dobermann (34)
BOB - Wildfyre's Wicked Runway Remodel - A55152
BOS - Vulpes Drink a Curse - A58014

Dogo Argentino (5)
BOB - Classical Riot At PrimRose - A60540
BOS - PrimRose's Untamed Heart - A60292

Giant Schnauzer (5)
BOB - Kamvis's DER NEBLIGE MORGEN - A60495
BOS - PrimRose's Moonlight Delight - A60688

Great Dane (10)
BOB - Halcyon Valiant Victory - A59314
BOS - Halcyon Havin' it All - A59311

Hovawart (10)
BOB - Cambria Berry Smoothie - BOB - A53315
BOS - Fango El Muchacho - A58198

Karst Shepherd Dog (6)
BOB - Quixotic's Premysl Ottokar II - A60277
BOS - Kutie's In The Balance - A60197

Kuvasz (5)
BOB - Sun Shower Love Of My Life - A48751
BOS - Unseelie St. Jude's Corona - A59012

Landseer (5)
BOB - Lakeshore's The Night Watch - A52092
BOS - BFK's Beauty In The Breakdown - A58072

Leonberger (7)
BOB - Sh's You Mean The World - A56555
BOS - Hunch's Dark Intentions - A60110

Mastiff (12)
BOB - DeeOhGee's Back It Up - A59124
BOS - Baypoint's Founding Father - A60840

Neapolitan Mastiff (8)
BOB - Roxxy's Beauty Is Skin Deep - A55931
BOS - Vulpes Monster Mash Bash at DQK - A59846

Newfoundland (14)
BOB - Diageo's I Don't Wanna Be - A38960
BOS - Kuja's Crazy Dangerous - A58437

Rottweiler (18)
BOB - Centuri Defying Gravity - A48921
BOS - Phantom Rapid Fire - A60267

Siberian Husky (19)
BOB - Kuja's Young Bride - A51627
BOS - Heritage The Quick And The Dead - A59275

St. Bernard (Longhair) (17)
BOB - Puerto Negro’s Bakler - A58703
BOS - Providence Up She Goes - A48761

Standard Schnauzer (9)
BOB - Cargo's Trees of Her People - A58150
BOS - Legend's Black Ash - A59451

Tibetan Mastiff (11)
BOB - FAB's Final Distance - A58508
BOS - Kuja's/SWSK's KALI GANDAKI - A5854

Birman (16)
BOB - Lakeshore's Sunshine Go Away Today - A54843
BOS - Nightwish' Tulips Are Better - A59346

Kurilian Bobtail (Longhair) (8)
BOB - WHC The New Girl - A51316
BOS - WHC New York City - A47178

Maine Coon (15)
BOB - Nova Blue Taigan Spell - A59533
BOS - Nightwish' Ville Valo - A58268

RagaMuffin (7)
BOB - LWH's Welcome To The Real Life - A54878
BOS - Cargo's Nocturnal Entity - A58365

Ragdoll (6)
BOB - Sera Tattered Doll - A61217

Turkish Angora (15)
BOB - Lua Azul Classic Chaos - A61506
BOS - Centuri Watch Your Step - A60593

Turkish Van (5)
BOB - Cambria A Reason For Treason - A49123
BOS - Halcyon Melting Moments - A59571

American Shorthair (22)
BOB - PRK Australian Accent - A60476
BOS - Timeless Pantomimus - A59667

Black and White Shorthair (12)
BOB - NB Iron Sax - A59430
BOS - NB Here Be Your Dragon - A58698

British Shorthair (14)
BOB - Viking's Betty Boop - A58763
BOS - SeeAhTay's Playne as Day - A59682

Calico (11)
BOB - Interlude Coral Reef - A60285
BOS - Rivendell/Linden Lesson in Procrastination - A28633

Chartreux (7)
BOB - Lakeshore's Make An Impression - A46963
BOS - FAB's Yellow Daffodils - A60424

Persian (28)
BOB - It's F-F-Frio at Fango - A59169
BOS - WHC World Domination - A60076

Alley Cat (5)
BOB - Sun Shower Cold As Steel - A51970
BOS - MacG/Popcorn's Island Tune - A53523

American Bobtail (4 Longhair 3 Shorhair)
BOB - Viking's Let's Dance To Joy Division - A58811
BOS - Roxxy's Deals With Demons - A47155

Cymric (12)
BOB - Toretto For The First Time - A59564
BOS - Nova Blue At My Signal - A54283

Japanese Bobtail (2 Longhair 7 Shorhair)
BOB - NDOSB's Nearer My God To Thee - A55421
BOS - Lakeshore's Lady Kikyo - A59141

Manx (11)
BOB - Toretto Deep As The Sky - A59562
BOS - Centuri Maybe Next Time - A49246

Munchkin (7 Longhair 4 Shorhair)
BOB - Viking's Tarte Meringuée au Citron - A50873
BOS - Cargo's Deceiving Notions - A57897

Orange Shorthair (5)
BOB - LGF's Don't Get Stuck - A55362

Scottish Fold (Longhair) (10)
BOB - Wellshire's Uninvited - A56280
BOS - WHC Whistle While You Work - A58786

Scottish Fold (Shorhair) (17)
BOB - Viking's Always In Fashion - A61851
BOS - Wellshire's Breach - A54082

Devon Rex (10)
BOB - SeeAhTay's G.I. Joe - A60417
BOS - Sun Shower's Pixie Dust - A49353

German Rex (7)
BOB - WHC Odd But Sweet - A47367
BOS - FAB's The Butterfly Effect - A60425

La Perm (5 Longhair 4 Shorhair)
BOB - Imperial's In For It Now - A54630
BOS - Imperial's Bring on The Rain - A54616

Peterbald (14)
BOB - Centuri False Innocence - A50118
BOS - LGF/WHC Today's Forcast - A49707

Selkirk Rex (5)
BOB - Viking's Hershey Kiss - A61850
BOS - Harcourt's Hedonist the Harlequin - A59273

Abyssinian (7)
BOB - UMZ Spoken Like A Song - A55641
BOS - Sun Shower King Of Cats - A51659

Korat (11)
BOB - Sun Shower's Lotus Flower - A47215
BOS - NB It's A Good Life - A59542

Oriental Longhair (12)
BOB - Sun Shower's Starlight - A51755
BOS - Sun Shower's Filfil Aswid - A47429

Oriental Shorthair (11)
BOB - Sun Shower's Chocolate Chip - A51783
BOS - Cargo's Faint Radiance - A58486

Russian Blue (6)
BOB - Viking's Raindrops Keep Fallin' - A61892
BOS - FAB's Proof Of Purchase - A54242

Seychellois (3 Longhair 9 Shorthair)
BOB - Centuri Seeking Serenity - A51709
BOS - Centuri North Star - A51706

Siamese (15)
BOB - Cargo's Glass Slipper - A47643
BOS - Nova Blue Touch of Gold - A55287

Somali (14)
BOB - Harcourt's Lordly Manors - A59262
BOS - Imeprial's Lonely Heart - A50383

American Havana Brown (7)
BOB - Nova Blue Lilja 4-Ever - A56220
BOS - NB/Lakeshore's Ring it up to Sunday - A55926

Bengal (17)
BOB - Centuri Diamonds in the Night - A59422
BOS - Sera Tropical Sun - A58346

Burmese (9)
BOB - Sun Shower's Butterscotch - A51968
BOS - Viking's The Akha Way - A58857

Nebelung (6)
BOB - NDOSB's Dressed To Kill - A53292
BOS - FAB's Letter D'amour - A54241

Ojos Azules (8)
BOB - Nova Blue Tracks in the Sand - A55289
BOS - Viking's Sellado Para Arriba - A61893

Snowshoe (31)
BOB - Viking's Have You Met Miss Jones - A55371
BOS - Sera Frosted Paws - A58340

Bracco Italiano(3) - Cargo's Across Shimmering Waters - A52441
Pointer(4) - Samhradh's Return To Paradise - A58407
German Shorthaiedr Pointer(1) - CJM's Franz Von Lakeshore - A56164
German Wirehaired Pointer(2) - Samhradh's The Great Hunter - A49748
Gordon Setter(3) - The Duke Of Sun Shower - A60118
Irish Water Spaniel(4) - Bayfront Hydrophobiac - A56588
Kooikerhondje(3) - G&B's Fashion Statement - A43927
Large Munsterlander(3) - Sun Shower Beauty From Pain - A46274
Small Munsterlander(2) - Brendan Boy of Gunhill - A58913
Sussex Spaniel(1) - DQK's Saxon Starlet - A52315
Wetterhoun(3) - Lotus Christmas Surprise - A60049
Beagle(2) - Onesto's My Best Friend - A60209
Black and Tan Coonhound(4) - Samhradh's Southern Tradition - A58447
Bloodhound(3) - Heritage All American Hero - A52913
Chart Polski(3) - Lakeshore's Pet Tigress - A56394
Cirneco Dell'Etna(4) - Popcorn's Stealer Of Gnomes - A56656
Drever(4) - Sunhill's Frå Bråkmakargatan - A57318
English Foxhounds(3) - Samhardh's Do you Believe in Magic? - A49999
Hamiltonstovare(1) - ERK's Walk Again - A57432
Harrier(4) - LWH's Himina - A44675
Irish Wolfhound(3) - Cato's Makeshift Wings - A58526
Norweigan Elkhound(2) - Sunhill's Huldra - A57407
Otterhound(1) - GDK/UMZ Bowling for Soup - A53455
Portuguese Podengo (Miniature)(3) - Cato's Anti-Semantic - A54805
Plott(4) - Silverfrost's Thief of the Zodiac - A57217
Redbone Coonhound(1) - Sun Shower Music To My Ears - A48078
Australian Cattle Dog(4) - Samhradh's A Painted Sky - A51320
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog(2) - Samhradh's Essence Of A Dream - A51865
Dutch Shepherd Dog(2 Longhair - 2 Shorthair) - SWSK's What Lies In Truth - A51351
Iceland Dog(3) - Sunhill's Spori Sámur - A57307
Komondor(4) - RKO Kats Dutchess Barbala - A21048
Lancashire Heeler(4) - Paradigm's Missing You The Most - A55712
Norwegian Buhund(2) - Samhradh's Foothills Of A Fantasy - A50402
Pumi(1) - Nova Blue Blueberry Pal - A55281
Schapendoes(2) - Harig Von Sunhill - A60132
Swedish Vallhund(3) - Kaulike's Highly Improbable - A56246
Cairn Terrier(1) - Hokulea'sCharismatic Leader - A55125
Glen of Imaal Terrier(1) - UMZ The Meaning of Lonely, - A48468
Irish Terrier(3) - Roxxy's Ghost Sighting - A59213
Jack Russell Terrier(2) - Sunhill's Snow White - A43892
Japanese Terrier(4) - Sh's Super Cute - A52378
Manchester Terrier(2 Standard 2 Toy) - NDOSB's Crunchetize Me Cap'n - A59963
Patterdale Terrier(1) - Fango Who's Got Your Heart? - A60028
Scottish Terrier(1) - Sunhill's Lord Of The Isles - A57076
Skye Terrier(2) - Fango Dark Stranger - A60059
Teddy Roosevelt Terrier(3) - Icescorn's Faster Than a Speeding Bullet - A54480
Welsh Terrier(3) - GDK April Showers - A47416
Brussels Griffon(3) - Sunhill's Fille Folle - A57389
Chinese Crested(2) - Heritage The Bene Gesserit - A50957
English Toy Spaniel(3) - Hokulea's Temple Protector - A56945
Pug(3) - LWH's Pug Maxi - A50341
Volpino Italiano(2) - Fango White 'n' Wonderful - A59062
Canaan Dog(3) - FAB's Laugh Out Loud - A56374
Danish Swedish Farmdog (4) - LWH's Korsvej - A49972
English Bulldog(2) - PrimRose's Miss Macy Sue - A60746
French Bulldog(3) - Wellshire's Old Myth - A54677
Hokkaido(1) - Sunhill's Kazuki Ogami - A48993
Japanese Akita(3) - Kamvis's WANATSU-SAN - A47696
Keeshond(3) - FAB's So Fresh - A56511
Peruvian Hairless Dog (Standard)(1) - Yeah, You Better Run from Vulpes - A57613
Tibetan Spaniel(1) - Samhradh's Fingerprints - A60050
Bullmastiff(4) - Samhradh's Keep 'em Guessing - A55031
Caucasian Ovtcharka(2) - Phantom Good Guy Blues - A59556
Dogue de Bordeaux(3) - RKO Kats Lady Hooch - A58050
Eurasier(1) - NDOSB's You Cannot Chain - A58023
Portuguese Water Dog(4) - DQK's Danse Macabre - A54200
Pyrenean Mastiff(4) - Kuja's Talk About Romance - A56981
Samoyed(4) - PRK Little Dough Boy - A58275
Spanish mastiff(2) - Wellshire's Memories - A56368
Tosa Inu(1) - Lakeshore's East Meets West - A45846
Norwegian Forest Cat(2) - Viking's Villt Vann - A61855
Siberian(3) - Sera Monster of the Deep - A61184
Sokoke(4) - Viking's Chizoba - A58761
Exotic(2) - Viking's Rawr! - A55045
Tabby(4) - Halcyon Ashes to Ashes - A59585
American Curl(2 Longhair 1 Shorthair) - Viking's How 'Bout Them Cowgirls - A60022
American Wirehair(1) - NB Girl Your Gonna Get'em - A59544
Cornish Rex(2) - Viking's Holy Mackerel - A60023
Sphynx(4) - Sun Shower's Tuxedo - A48437
Balinese(4) - Heritage Wild Card - A49306
Singapura(1) - Viking's Crossing Over - A55104
Ocicat(3) - Sera Looming Cloud - A61172
Tiffanie(2) - Lakeshore's He's A Maniac - A53931

Samhradh's Broadway Is Dark Tonight - Unrealistic white pattern
Samhradh's Revelation Theory - Unrealistic white pattern
Toretto Good Old Boy - ESSs are only allowed to come in the piebald or extreme piebald white patterns, not irish spotting
Kaulike's Triumph of the Sky - Unrealistic white markings
Wish's Whole Lotta Rosie - Bad image quaility
Wish's Townsquare Tangerine Cream - Bad image quaility
Wish's Gemstone Matrix - Bad image quaility
Sun Shower's Loyal Friend - Wrong pic(of a WSS)
LWH's Control The Boss - Not in proper pose
Vento de Espero's IN MY DREAMS - Skinny pose
More About Me At DeeOhGee - Unrealistic white markings
Onesto's With A Cherry On Top - Dachshunds not allowed to come in sable merle
LWH's If Tomorrow Never Comes - Not in proper pose
LWH's Home Once Again - In scared pose
Kutie's Unforgetable Journey - Unrealtistic white pattern
Nordic's Gimme Hope - Bad image quaility
Nordic's Irish Devil - Bad image quaility
FireRidge's Busy Bee - Brown striping not allowed in whippets
Sunhill's Companheiro Cinzento - Missing variety(was BOB), should be " Portuguese Podengo (Miniature) "
Sunhill's Açúcar e Creme - Missing variety, should be " Portuguese Podengo (Miniature) "
Vulpes Él Está Loco, Hombre! - Missing variety, should be " Portuguese Podengo (Miniature) "
DeeOhGee's Fish Outta Water - Entered twice(only 1 entry DQ'd)
SC's Ancient Ruin - Entered twice(only 1 entry DQ'd)
Wish's Cadbury Abba - Bad image quaility
Samhradh's Southern Enterprise - Only traditional tan markings accepted
Samhradh's It Happened One Night - Only traditional tan markings accepted
Onesto's Brindled Beauty - Only merled dogz are allowed to have irish spotting
RKO Kats Egyptian Storm at Teacup - Unrealistic white markings
Halcyon Achieve a Dream - Unrealistic white markings
Elka's Brown Starlight - Not in pose
Paradigm's Misery Breeds Malice - Unrealistic white pattern
Wellshire's Silent Planet - Unrealtistic tan markings- outside of ears should be non-tan(inside may be tan or non tan).
Kutie/RS's Minor Renforcement - Breed name is " German Shepherd Dog ", not " German Shepherd "
Marcato's Faun of Friendship at SC - No mention of size variations on standard
Marcato's Competent Confidence at SWSK - No mention of size variations on standard
Wildfyre's Star Spangled Banner - No image
Onesto's Back To Basic - Entered twice(only 1 entry DQ'd)
Wish's Cedarbar Firebird - A56558 - Bad image quality
Georgie's black knight of the king - A58117 - Not in pose
Samhradh's Delta Dawn - 95 striping not allowed in brindles
LWH's Amazing Impressions - A59988 - Chest should be tan
FireRidge's Fire Breathing Fly - File not accepted
FireRidge's String Of Flowers - File not accepted
Down The River Styx to Icescorn - Missing white tail tip
RKO Zeus' Apollo of Olympia - Not in pose
Gerogie's Jack Daniels - A48777 - Bad image quaility, breed should be " Chihuahua (Shorthair) " not smoothcoat
RS/Amore's From The Embers of Tanzing - A28736 - Unrealistic white pattern
RKO Zeus' Apollo of Olympia - A16938 - Not in pose
Camelot's Heavenly Cassiopeia - A46501 - Not in pose
SWSK's Errol Flynn O'Kalen at RKO - A48132 - Breed should be " Chow Chow (Longhair) "
RKO Ch'un Chi Ching Shen - A44359 - Breed should be " Chow Chow (Longhair) "
Toretto Playing Pretend - A59384 - Breed should be " Chow Chow (Longhair) "
Toretto Live The Moment - A59385 - Breed should be " Chow Chow (Longhair) "
Sunhill's Ban-Gashira - A60399 - Furfile not allowed to be transparent
JR Serenading the Tiger - A59677 - Bad image quailtiy
JR Just Another Regret - A59678 - Bad image quaility
JR Guardian Bear - A59692 - Bad image quailiy
RKO Kats Dali Llamah - A43616 - Bad image quaility
TK'S/DASK Karina - A60394 - Bad image quaility
TK'S White Tulip - A60396 - Bad image quaility
NDOSB's Have No Fear - A57173 - Jowl has odd/wrong texture
Kaki's Graceful Return - A59761 - Missing white tail tip
Kamis's Fade Into Dusk - A49219 - Overpose & bad image quality
Wish's Dip Me in Axl Grease - A59546 - Bad image quaility
Puerto Negro's Gypsy Sorrow - A58675 - File not accepted
Puerto Negro's Aphrodita Altra - A58670 - File not accepted
LWH's One Wish - A57406 - File not accepted
LWH's Pirate Bones - A57408 - File not accepted
Puerto Negro's Alexander Bkitne Serce - A59156 - File not accepted
Puerto Negro/Aw's You taste magnificently! - A58590 - Bad image quaility
Diageo's Star of Wonder - A37562 - Bad image quaility
Interlude Gentle Giant - A60297 - Gender not fully listed
Diageo's I Don't Wanna Be - A38960 - Entered twice (only 1 entry DQ'd)
BVK Are You Sleeping - A59189 - Needs white chest
BVK Why Bother - A59208 - Needs white chest
LWH's Snow Wonders - A59987 - Needs white chest
Sera Momma's Girl - No breed listed
Maie's September Frost - Unrealistic white pattern
Maie's Royal Flush - 50% white required for odd-eyes
Maie's Crisp Linen - 50% white required for odd-eyes
Maie's The Lion-hearted - Unrealistic white pattern
Toretto In Sacrifice - A59854 - Must be full grown
Maie's Dare To Romance Me - Unrealistic white pattern
JR Spitfire - A59100 - Underweight (Gender should also be Male/Female, not Tom/Queen)
Flipside's Bottom Of My Soul - A18703 - 55/125 not accepted tort combo
Maie's Oncoming Traffic - A53045 - Unrealistic White pattern
Maie's Champagne From A Paper Cup - A53050 - ""
Maie's Claim to Fame - A53184 - ""
Viking's Be My Valentine - A61851 - Heart-shaped spot too perfect
Heritage Sleepy Hollow - A50143 - White tail
FAB's Banana Pancakes - A60451 - White tail tip
WHC Crave This Feeling - A45386 - Needs white chest
Nightwish' Back In Black - A59348 - Wrong breed
Paradigm's Fear Is The Heart Of Love - A52484 - Wrong group
Imperial's Thieving Glance - A55163 - Wrong group
Imperial's This Is Me - A50734 - White pattern (trim) not allowed
Sun Shower Nothin' But Trouble - A47410 - White pattern (trim) not allowed
FAB's Birthday Wishes - A54367 - White pattern (trim) not allowed, ear insides are tabby patterned, should be solid
FAB's Runaway Superstar - A54257 - Ear insides are tabby patterned
FAB's Feeling The Trigger - A54374 - White pattern (trim) not allowed, ear insides are tabby patterned, should be solid
Harcourt's Gray Shaquor - A59322 - Entered twice(only 1 entry DQ'd)
RKO Kats Angel Lite - A55377 - Wrong breed
Cargo's Tidalwave Season - A57905 - Head ball should be base colour, not included in the mask
Snicker's Sweet Music - A59780 - Ear insides are tabby patterned
Snicker's Too Hot - A59781 - Ear insides are tabby patterned
Snicker's Innocent Angel - A59782 - Ear insides are tabby patterned
Toretto Running From Everything - A59852 - Must be full grown
Toretto Red Summer Sun - A59853 - Must be full grown
FeCa's Extraordinary Girl - A35574 - Unrealistic white pattern
All petz owned by starstruck468 & Providence

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