
Conf - Minor - Lime Green Flamingos - 1 - Jan-13-08

Lime Green Flamingos
Show Number 1
Show Closing Date - Jan-13-08

Final Winners


BIS - NDOSB's Crunchetize Me Cap'n - A59963 (Manchester Terrier(Standard))
BW - Kaulike's Love Phoenix - A58293 (Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
RW - PrimRose's Summertime Blues - A60706 (Galgo Espanol)
W1 - GDK Poison Arrow - A49837 (Miniature Pinscher)
W2 - RS's Unbearable Blizzard - A28207 (Alaskan Malamute)


BIS - LGF's Don't Get Stuck - A55362 (Orange Shorthair)
BW - NB Girl Your Gonna Get'em - A59544 (American Wirehair)
RW - Sun Shower's Lotus Flower - A47215 (Korat)
W1 - It's F-F-Frio at Fango - A59169 (Persian)
W2 - Viking's Villt Vann - A61855 (Norwegian Forest Cat)

Group Winners

Gundog | Also Shorlisted: See arena
1 - Kaulike's Love Phoenix - A58293 (Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
2 - Samhradh's Laughter In The Rain - A49940 (English Setter)
3 - FAB's Minutes of Attraction - A58396 (Spinone Italiano)
4 - Cambria Sassafrass and Sycamore - A54647 (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever)

Hound | Also Shorlisted: See arena
1 - PrimRose's Summertime Blues - A60706 (Galgo Espanol)
2 - CGMK's Building Rome at Samhradh - A54052 (Dachshund (Wirehair))
3 - Cambria Peregrin Took - A53200 (Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen)
4 - Cato's Anti-Semantic - A54805 (Portuguese Podengo (Miniature))

Pastoral | Also Shorlisted: Border Collie, Iceland Dog, DSD(Shorthair), Aussie, Belgian Tervueren, Mudi
1 - Sunhill's Protector of Life - A60033 (Finnish Reindeer Herder)
2 - Harig Von Sunhill - A60132 (Schapendoes)
3 - Kuja's On A Well Lit Stage - A53362 (Old English Sheepdog)
4 - Cargo's In His Footsteps - A46857 (Polish Lowland Sheepdog)

Terrier | Also Shorlisted: Fox Terrier(Smooth), Bull Terrier, Border Terrier, Sealyham Terrier
1 - NDOSB's Crunchetize Me Cap'n - A59963 (Manchester Terrier(Standard))
2 - Sunhill's The Incredible Hulk - A59927 (Staffordshire Bull Terrier)
3 - Roxxy's Ghost Sighting - A59213 (Irish Terrier)
4 - FlashFire Ranking Officer - A44599 (Fox Terrier(Wire))

Toy | Also Shorlisted: Japanese Chin, Havanese
1 - GDK Poison Arrow - A49837 (Miniature Pinscher)
2 - Viper's Smoke and Mirrors - A29573 (Lowchen)
3 - Cargo's Criminal Beauty - A53036 (Yorkshire Terrier)
4 - Sunhill's Anna Ioannovna - A60167 (Russian Toy (Shorhair))

Utility | Also Shorlisted: Shar Pei, Xoloitzquintle, Schipperke
1 - Kamvis's WANATSU-SAN - A47696 (Japanese Akita)
2 - CJM's Family Affair - A55092 (Dalmatian)
3 - Cato's Looks Like Love - A52963 (Tibetan Terrier)
4 - Yeah, You Better Run from Vulpes - A57613 (Peruvian Hairless Dog (Standard))

Working | Also Shorlisted: Dobermann, Boxer, Mastiff. Really hard choice between the Husky and the Mal!
1 - RS's Unbearable Blizzard - A28207 (Alaskan Malamute)
2 - Kuja's Young Bride - A51627 (Siberian Husky)
3 - Kuja's Talk About Romance - A56981 (Pyrenean Mastiff)
4 - Quixotic's Best Foot Forward - A59387 (Black Russian Terrier)

Feline 1 | Also Shorlisted: Ragamuffin, Kurilian Bobtail (Longhair)
1 - Viking's Villt Vann - A61855 (Norwegian Forest Cat)
2 - Nova Blue Taigan Spell - A59533 (Maine Coon)
3 - Sera Tattered Doll - A61217 (Ragdoll)
4 - Lua Azul Classic Chaos - A61506 (Turkish Angora)

Feline 2 | Also Shorlisted: American Shorthair
1 - It's F-F-Frio at Fango - A59169 (Persian)
2 - Viking's Rawr! - A55045 (Exotic)
3 - Viking's Betty Boop - A58763 (British Shorthair)
4 - Interlude Coral Reef - A60285 (Calico)

Feline 3 | Also Shorlisted: None
1 - LGF's Don't Get Stuck - A55362 (Orange Shorthair)
2 - Viking's Always In Fashion - A61851 (Scottish Fold (Shorhair))
3 - Sun Shower Cold As Steel - A51970 {Alley Cat)
4 - Toretto Deep As The Sky - A59562 (Manx)

Feline 4 | Also Shorlisted: German Rex
1 - NB Girl Your Gonna Get'em - A59544 (American Wirehair)
2 - Sun Shower's Tuxedo - A48437 (Sphynx)
3 - Centuri False Innocence - A50118 (Peterbald)
4 - Imperial's In For It Now - A54630 (La Perm (Longhair))

Feline 5 | Also Shorlisted: None
1 - Sun Shower's Lotus Flower - A47215 (Korat)
2 - Cargo's Glass Slipper - A47643 (Siamese)
3 - Centuri Seeking Serenity - A51709 (Seychellois (Shorhair))
4 - Sun Shower's Chocolate Chip - A51783 (Oriental Shorthair)

Feline 6 | Also Shorlisted: Bengal - Very nice group, with lots of pretty girl catz!
1 - Nova Blue Lilja 4-Ever - A56220 (American Havana Brown)
2 - Viking's Have You Met Miss Jones - A55371 (Snowshoe)
3 - Sun Shower's Butterscotch - A51968 (Burmese)
4 - Nova Blue Tracks in the Sand - A55289 (Ojos Azules)

Breed Winners

American Cocker Spaniel (24)
BOB - RKO Kats Heza Tramp - A47506
BOS - Tenrai's Gypsy Rose - A55568

Brittany (19)
BOB - Onesto's Hit the Road - A60400
BOS - Fleabitten's She's A Star - A53061

Chesapeake Bay Retriever (11)
BOB - Kaulike's Love Phoenix - A58293
BOS - Halcyon Whisper of the Ages - A59459

Clumber Spaniel (11)
BOB - DQK's Sorcerer's Bane - A52340
BOS - Smart Asset of Gunhill - A57588

Curly Coated Retriever (12)
BOB - Rivas Meeting of the Waters - A57768
BOS - Malz/Rivas Popular Legend - A60071

English Cocker Spaniel (13)
BOB - Heritage Dark Side Of The Moon - A52758
BOS - NDOSB's Swift and Sweet - A56815

English Setter (10)
BOB - Samhradh's Laughter In The Rain - A49940
BOS - ERK's Let Me Sing To You - A52013

English Springer Spaniel (18)
BOB - Toretto Don't Stop Me - A59373
BOS - Cargo's Echoed Souls - A55993

Feild Spaniel (5)
BOB - DQK's The Red Horse of War - A59378

Flat Coaed Retriever (19)
BOB - Rivas Copyright Protected - A36404
BOS - Sun Shower Etched In Stone - A47819

German Longhaired Pointer (6)
BOB - Sunhill's Flüssiges Feuer - A57073
BOS - NDOSB's Ticking Like A Clock - A56459

German Wachtelhund (8)
BOB - Sun Shower Wanna Leave A Legacy - A47672
BOS - Sun Shower You Are Sunrise - A49260

Golden Retriever (22)
BOB - Tweed River's Another Round - A45680
BOS - Tweed River's Shades Of Grey - A46026

Hungarian Vizsla (4 Shorthair - 1 Wirehair)
BOB - Lua Azul's/Lakeshore's Maradj Velem of Teacup - A58935
BOS - Lua Azul's/Lakeshore's Hazug Lány of Teacup - A57229

Irish Red and White Setter (6)
BOB - Tchotchke's And the Glory Got Shot - A59757
BOS - Heartlight's Patron Saint of Travellers - A55488

Irish Setter (6)
BOB - PRK Whats All the Hullabaloo? - A59319
BOS - Cambria First Lady - A52778

Labrador Retriever (21)
BOB - Interlude Marley and Me - A60284
BOS - Bayfront Pretty Girl - A60206

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (15)
BOB - Cambria Sassafrass and Sycamore - A54647
BOS - Applewood Constellation In Flames - A57087

Portuguese Pointer (7)
BOB - Kaulike's Muy Guapo - A58077
BOS - Kaulike's Viva Las Vegas - A58078

Spinone Italiano (5)
BOB - FAB's Minutes of Attraction - A58396
BOS - FAB's Sunday Evenings - A58395

Weimaraner (6)
BOB - RKO Kats Bit Of Sunshine - A46500
BOS - RKO Kats At The Helm - A55091

Welsh Springer Spaniel (15)
BOB - Teacup's Icestorm Arising - A59886
BOS - Teacup's Iceberg - A59887

Afghan Hound (21)
BOB - Paradigm's Smoke On The Water - A56138
BOS - Cargo's Untune the Sky - A56404

Azawakh (6)
BOB - Heritage Red Snake - A55208
BOS - ERK's Saturday in Africa - A56716

Basenji (22)
BOB - Paradigm's Lines From Withered Love - A59862
BOS - Cato's Priceless Clouds Overhead - A59772

Basset Hound (15)
BOB - Paradigm's Biscuits and Gravy - A57503
BOS - Baypoint Expressions - A60200

Bluetick Coonhound (9)
BOB - Chocowinity Hey Good Lookin' - A58321
BOS - Lakeshore's This Little Light Of Mine - A29963

Borzoi (13)
BOB - Cargo's Windy City - A54463
BOS - Wellshire's Beyond Doubt - A53529

Catahoula Leopard Dog (5)
BOB - DeeOhGee's Mighty Hectate at GDK - A60085
BOS - DeeOhGee's Sweeter Than - A58835

Dachshund (8 Longhair - 6 Shorhair - 2 Wirehair)
BOB - CGMK's Building Rome at Samhradh - A54052
BOS - Samhradh's Absolution Project - A52999

Galgo Espanol (6)
BOB - PrimRose's Summertime Blues - A60706
BOS - Sunhill's No Me Alcanzas - A49022

Greyhound (12)
BOB - Halcyon Rampant Rascal - A59527
BOS - Fango Rising in Cairo - A60029

Ibizan Hound (7 Shorthair - 4 Wirehair)
BOB - Nairobi's Sea Of Sorrow - A57972
BOS - Chateau Some Like It Hot Sauce - A57232

Karelian Bear Dog (7)
BOB - Butch Cassidy of Zarcrest - BOB - A57415
BOS - ERK's Lady Marguerite - A51433

Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (7)
BOB - Cambria Peregrin Took - A53200
BOS - Cambria Water's Edge - A53178

Pharaoh Hound (5)
BOB - Sun Shower's Sun God - A47642
BOS - Assaad Jewel Of The Nile - A49256

Rhodesian Ridgeback (5)
BOB - CJM's Rockin' the Hawk - A57538
BOS - HTT's Consider This - A37935

Saluki(Longhair) (13)
BOB - Samhradh's Keeping The Flame - A59030
BOS - Onesto's Drive Me Wild - A55291

Deerhound (5)
BOB - Sunhill's Fiadh Sealgair - A60106
BOS - Cambria Firestorm - A54129

Segugio Italiano (8)
BOB - Una Notte D'estate of Grandeur - A33469
BOS - Nova Blue Lonely Wanderer - A59539

Whippet (10)
BOB - Kamvis's ALWAYS ON THE RUN - A58965
BOS - Grandeur Ghost Rider - A57528

Australian Kelpie (5)
BOB - Samhradh's Thousand Mile Wish - A59162
BOS - DeeOhGee's Flying Colors - A60431

Australian Shepherd (24)
BOB - CJM's In the Dark - A52568
BOS - DragonStone's At World's End - A59948

Azores Cattle Dog (8)
BOB - Askari Basic Rhythm - A55230
BOS - Kuja's Half the World Away - A58475

Bearded Collie (11)
BOB - Teacup's Meaner Than Mean - A50167
BOS - Wildfyre's What's It To Ya? - A52290

Beauceron (14)
BOB - Heritage Tiger Lilly - A50955
BOS - NB's Mystical Pegusus - A29945

Belgian Shepherd (3 Malinois - 3 Tervueren)
BOB - Heritage Ripley's Believe It Or Not - A56541
BOS - Vulpes She'll Break Your Heart - A58881

Border Collie (17)
BOB - NDOSB's Devonshire Gardens - A56840
BOS - WW Little Wallop - A50453

Bouvier des Ardennes (6)
BOB - NB/Paradigm's Television Superstar - A55299
BOS - Fango Thy Good Rapier - A57186

Bouvier des Flandres (10)
BOB - Wildfyre's The Lady Is A Tramp at Kuja - A55924
BOS - Wildfyre's The Good Life - A51281

Briard (12)
BOB - Sabriyah's Just So Happened - A43541
BOS - Cargo's Southern Show-stopper - A53488

Cardigan Welsh Corgi (14)
BOB - Faerietail Midnight Rider - A52693
BOS - HWC Out Of Reach - A59555

Collie (Rough) (11)
BOB - Palmetto Aiming High - A60111
BOS - Quixotic's Cobalt Fancy - A58318

Collie (Smooth) (11)
BOB - NB/GDK Touch My Fire - A58758
BOS - Paradigm's Desperate For Sunshine - A52855

English Shepherd (6)
BOB - Wellshire's Bring It On - A57720
BOS - Georgie's English Prince - A53801

Estrela Mountain Dog (10)
BOB - Samhradh/Wildfyre's China Roses - a59822
BOS - Kamvis's CARREGAL DO SAL - A57433

Finnish Lapphund (5)
BOB - Nova Blue Winter Comet - A56699
BOS - Nightwish' Gothic Lolita - A60120

Lapponian Herder (10)
BOB - Sunhill's Protector of Life - A60033
BOS - Aiedail's Spirit of Memory - A52926

German Shepherd Dog (25)
BOB - DragonStone's Annabell Caro - A59498
BOS - Sno's Rebelln To Anything - A59029

Great Pyrenees (10)
BOB - Redwall's Dog of the Military - A32850
BOS - Lotus' Nothing is Red - A52961

Mudi (13)
BOB - Kamvis's Hajnali Óceán - A55710
BOS - DeeOhGee's Loads of Stuff - A59255

Old English Sheepdog (15)
BOB - Kuja's On A Well Lit Stage - A53362
BOS - Kuja/CGMK's Fame Academy at Teacup - A49998

Pembroke Welsh Corgi (8)
BOB - Nairobi's Fear The Voices - A58085
BOS - Lotus' Your Love Alone Is Not Enough - A52507

Polish Lowland Sheepdog (6)
BOB - Cargo's In His Footsteps - A46857

Puli (7)
BOB - Sunhill's Feher Lovag - A60104
BOS - Lakeshore's Broken Comb - A59995

Shetland Sheepdog (22)
BOB - Tartan's Supernatural Being - A59921
BOS - Cambria Stellar Presence - A54484

Swedish Lapphund (5)
BOB - Nova Blue Fangad i Frosten - A57347
BOS - Nova Blue Surt Sa Räven - A57348

White Shepherd (6)
BOB - Fango On His Shoulders - A58371
BOS - Legend's Of the Fall - A51561

Airedale Terrier (6)
BOB - Roxxy's Beautiful Co-Host - A45477
BOS - FAB's One Last Chance - A56512

American Staffordshire Terrier (20)
BOB - Centuri Taken for Granite - A48367
BOS - Kamvis's FADE TO BLACK - A54345

Bedlington Terrier (6)
BOB - LAMZ I'm A Little Surprized - A60463
BOS - RKO Kats From Heaven - A55331

Border Terrier (13)
BOB - Lakeshore's Hair Raising at Bantam - A56171
BOS - CJM's And the Oscar goes to Samhradh - A58730

Brazilian Terrier(5)
BOB - FAB's Love Symptoms - A55313
BOS - FlashFire Checkmate - A58776

Bull Terrier (12)
BOB - Lakeshore's American Gladiator - A60122
BOS - Kamvis's LIGHT IN THE DARK - A56912

Cesky Terrier (9)
BOB - Lotus' Bursting into Life - A50202
BOS - Lotus' Dark Sadness - A59628

Fox Terrier (Smooth) (9)
BOB - Nova Blue This Is My Nature - A52035
BOS - FlashFire Flash Back - A44487

Fox Terrier (Wire) (6)
BOB - FlashFire Ranking Officer - A44599
BOS - Lotus' Wait For the Summer - A58436

Kerry Blue Terrier (20)
BOB - Wildfyre's Goodbye Blue - A51010
BOS - Phiala/SK's Luck Of The Irish - A34960

Lakeland Terrier (8)
BOB - Roxxy Now Or Never - A60457
BOS - Centuri Jewels of Blasphemy - A57198

Miniature Schnauzer (10)
BOB - GDK/Lotus' Eternal Half-Moon - A49448
BOS - Lotus Last Place - A58818

Norfolk Terrier (11)
BOB - LHK's Global Recognition - A58297
BOS - Lotus' Armchair Apocrypha - A58512

Norwich Terrier (8)
BOB - Lotus' Chicago Drive - A53313
BOS - Sh's Irish Rose - A56580

Parson Russell Terrier (8)
BOB - Cambria Story of my Life - A52717
BOS - Georgie's Jack Frost - A58285

Rat Terrier (Standard) (6)
BOB - Sunhill's G.I. Blues - A60140

Sealyham Terrier (14)
BOB - Nimh's Willy Wonka - A49243
BOS - Cargo's Art Of Writing - A56573

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (5)
BOB - Sh's Dona Nobis Pacem - A56552
BOS - Sh's Dances On The Sand - A56551

Staffordshire Bull Terrier (8)
BOB - Sunhill's The Incredible Hulk - A59927
BOS - Shirobreaken’s Burn of Haigh - A57757

Bolognese (7)
BOB - Pete's Personal Bubble - A45105
BOS - FAB's To Rule Undefeated - A60031

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (21)
BOB - Cambria Stars in Your Eyes - A51134
BOS - Lakeshore's Have The Wish - A59957

Chihuahua (Longhair) (6)
BOB - Wellshire's Double Helix - A59574
BOS - Wellshire's Graced With Grace - A53431

Chihuahua Shorthair(7)
BOB - Paradigm's Bohemian Gentry - A59871
BOS - Fango Tin Lizzie - A58882

Havanese (15)
BOB - Hokulea's Temple Protector - A56945
BOS - Toretto Your Clown - A59833

Italian Greyhound (7)
BOB - Paradiz's Miniature Titanic - A40242
BOS - Paradigm's Lady Killer - A59967

Japanese Chin (8)
BOB - Hokulea's The Butterfly - A60448
BOS - Hokulea's Great Wisdom - A60447

Lowchen (18)
BOB - Viper's Smoke and Mirrors - A29573
BOS - Rampant Distressing Damsel - A60514

Miniature Pinscher (8)
BOB - GDK Poison Arrow - A49837
BOS - FAB's Heyy There Babygirl - A60468

Papillon (6 Papillon 4 Phalene)
BOB - Cambria Riveting Ride - A53192
BOS - Toretto True Love - A59797

Pekingese (16)
BOB - Sh's Like Oragami - A50179
BOS - Sunhill's Talks Like a Gentleman - A59966

Pomeranian (11)
BOB - Lakeshore's Babbling Brook - A52907
BOS - Tartan's Tri My Jazz - A59976

Russian Toy (3 Longhair 2 Shorhair)
BOB - Sunhill's Anna Ioannovna - A60167
BOS - Bramblewood Eyes On Me - A59741

Shih Tzu (9)
BOB - Lakeshore's Sweet Tea - A57357
BOS - GDK Up Stream - A47048

Yorkshire Terrier (9)
BOB - Cargo's Criminal Beauty - A53036
BOS - Sunhill's Dr. No - A60016

American Akita (25)
BOB - Kuja's Elevator Love Letter - A59629
BOS - Camri Make Or Break - A56568

Chow Chow(Longhair) (7)
BOB - Toretto's Pause For Thought - A31994
BOS - CJM's Night Attendant - A31647

Dalmatian (9)
BOB - CJM's Family Affair - A55092
BOS - Raindance's Ancient Artwork - A52790

German Spitz (3 Grosspitz 3 Mittelspitz 1 Kleinspitz)
BOB - Sunhill's Asche Zu Asche - A60134
BOS - Sunhill's Du Riechst So Gut - A60133

Kai (11)
BOB - Kutie's Unwritten Law - A60697
BOS - Cochise/Paradigm's Words of Wisdom - A57693

Miniature Poodle (14)
BOB - Cato's Hail The Heartbreaker - A53275
BOS - Cato's Ghost of the Stormdog - A57915

Norwegian Lundehund (7)
BOB - Sunhill's Åse Gåsepike - A47135
BOS - DeeOhGee's Funny Man - A60268

Schipperke (12)
BOB - KY's No Refunds V Shameless - A42512
BOS - Sunhill's Snelle Stap - A57392

Shar Pei (11)
BOB - Cato/Providence A Promise Made - A58457
BOS - Cato's Cabin Fever - A52989

Standard Poodle (16)
BOB - Sunhill/Cato's You and Me Both - A58459
BOS - Cato's Heavenly Plight - A57891

Tibetan Terrier (9)
BOB - Cato's Looks Like Love - A52963
BOS - RKO Kats Tibetian Lady - A43617

Toy Poodle (8)
BOB - Cato's Strokes of Hell - A57914
BOS - Cato's Catastrophic Smile - A58478

Xoloitzquintle (1 Miniature 5 Standard)
BOB - PR's Scherzo - A57759
BOS - ERK's Girl With Sass - A51891

Aidi (8)
BOB - Kaulike's Borne by Emperors - A60183
BOS - Samhradh's Goddess of the Night - A60182

Alaskan Malamute (11)
BOB - RS's Unbearable Blizzard - A28207
BOS - Kuja/Paradigm's Drunken Snowfall - A57069

American Bulldog (5)
BOB - Sunhill's Buffalo Bill - A57391

Anatolian Shepherd Dog (9)
BOB - Puerto Negro’s Nefretete - A58893
BOS - Sunhill's Uslu Kaplan - A59929

Bernese Mountain Dog (15)
BOB - CJM's Just Like Heaven - A53209
BOS - Halcyon Magic Act - A59578

Black Russian Terrier (5)
BOB - Quixotic's Best Foot Forward - A59387
BOS - Quixotic's Man of La Mancha - A59392

Boxer (13)
BOB - CJM's Sun Exposure - A53510
BOS - CJM's Finding Treasure - A55471

Cane Corso (13)
BOB - Bellezza Piccola at GDK - A47474
BOS - Phantom Good Guy Blues - A59556

Central Asian Ovtcharka (7)
BOB - Wellshire's White Rabbit - A60519
BOS - Kamvis's JU-SHAITAN - A58292

Dobermann (34)
BOB - Wildfyre's Wicked Runway Remodel - A55152
BOS - Vulpes Drink a Curse - A58014

Dogo Argentino (5)
BOB - Classical Riot At PrimRose - A60540
BOS - PrimRose's Untamed Heart - A60292

Giant Schnauzer (5)
BOB - Kamvis's DER NEBLIGE MORGEN - A60495
BOS - PrimRose's Moonlight Delight - A60688

Great Dane (10)
BOB - Halcyon Valiant Victory - A59314
BOS - Halcyon Havin' it All - A59311

Hovawart (10)
BOB - Cambria Berry Smoothie - BOB - A53315
BOS - Fango El Muchacho - A58198

Karst Shepherd Dog (6)
BOB - Quixotic's Premysl Ottokar II - A60277
BOS - Kutie's In The Balance - A60197

Kuvasz (5)
BOB - Sun Shower Love Of My Life - A48751
BOS - Unseelie St. Jude's Corona - A59012

Landseer (5)
BOB - Lakeshore's The Night Watch - A52092
BOS - BFK's Beauty In The Breakdown - A58072

Leonberger (7)
BOB - Sh's You Mean The World - A56555
BOS - Hunch's Dark Intentions - A60110

Mastiff (12)
BOB - DeeOhGee's Back It Up - A59124
BOS - Baypoint's Founding Father - A60840

Neapolitan Mastiff (8)
BOB - Roxxy's Beauty Is Skin Deep - A55931
BOS - Vulpes Monster Mash Bash at DQK - A59846

Newfoundland (14)
BOB - Diageo's I Don't Wanna Be - A38960
BOS - Kuja's Crazy Dangerous - A58437

Rottweiler (18)
BOB - Centuri Defying Gravity - A48921
BOS - Phantom Rapid Fire - A60267

Siberian Husky (19)
BOB - Kuja's Young Bride - A51627
BOS - Heritage The Quick And The Dead - A59275

St. Bernard (Longhair) (17)
BOB - Puerto Negro’s Bakler - A58703
BOS - Providence Up She Goes - A48761

Standard Schnauzer (9)
BOB - Cargo's Trees of Her People - A58150
BOS - Legend's Black Ash - A59451

Tibetan Mastiff (11)
BOB - FAB's Final Distance - A58508
BOS - Kuja's/SWSK's KALI GANDAKI - A5854

Birman (16)
BOB - Lakeshore's Sunshine Go Away Today - A54843
BOS - Nightwish' Tulips Are Better - A59346

Kurilian Bobtail (Longhair) (8)
BOB - WHC The New Girl - A51316
BOS - WHC New York City - A47178

Maine Coon (15)
BOB - Nova Blue Taigan Spell - A59533
BOS - Nightwish' Ville Valo - A58268

RagaMuffin (7)
BOB - LWH's Welcome To The Real Life - A54878
BOS - Cargo's Nocturnal Entity - A58365

Ragdoll (6)
BOB - Sera Tattered Doll - A61217

Turkish Angora (15)
BOB - Lua Azul Classic Chaos - A61506
BOS - Centuri Watch Your Step - A60593

Turkish Van (5)
BOB - Cambria A Reason For Treason - A49123
BOS - Halcyon Melting Moments - A59571

American Shorthair (22)
BOB - PRK Australian Accent - A60476
BOS - Timeless Pantomimus - A59667

Black and White Shorthair (12)
BOB - NB Iron Sax - A59430
BOS - NB Here Be Your Dragon - A58698

British Shorthair (14)
BOB - Viking's Betty Boop - A58763
BOS - SeeAhTay's Playne as Day - A59682

Calico (11)
BOB - Interlude Coral Reef - A60285
BOS - Rivendell/Linden Lesson in Procrastination - A28633

Chartreux (7)
BOB - Lakeshore's Make An Impression - A46963
BOS - FAB's Yellow Daffodils - A60424

Persian (28)
BOB - It's F-F-Frio at Fango - A59169
BOS - WHC World Domination - A60076

Alley Cat (5)
BOB - Sun Shower Cold As Steel - A51970
BOS - MacG/Popcorn's Island Tune - A53523

American Bobtail (4 Longhair 3 Shorhair)
BOB - Viking's Let's Dance To Joy Division - A58811
BOS - Roxxy's Deals With Demons - A47155

Cymric (12)
BOB - Toretto For The First Time - A59564
BOS - Nova Blue At My Signal - A54283

Japanese Bobtail (2 Longhair 7 Shorhair)
BOB - NDOSB's Nearer My God To Thee - A55421
BOS - Lakeshore's Lady Kikyo - A59141

Manx (11)
BOB - Toretto Deep As The Sky - A59562
BOS - Centuri Maybe Next Time - A49246

Munchkin (7 Longhair 4 Shorhair)
BOB - Viking's Tarte Meringuée au Citron - A50873
BOS - Cargo's Deceiving Notions - A57897

Orange Shorthair (5)
BOB - LGF's Don't Get Stuck - A55362

Scottish Fold (Longhair) (10)
BOB - Wellshire's Uninvited - A56280
BOS - WHC Whistle While You Work - A58786

Scottish Fold (Shorhair) (17)
BOB - Viking's Always In Fashion - A61851
BOS - Wellshire's Breach - A54082

Devon Rex (10)
BOB - SeeAhTay's G.I. Joe - A60417
BOS - Sun Shower's Pixie Dust - A49353

German Rex (7)
BOB - WHC Odd But Sweet - A47367
BOS - FAB's The Butterfly Effect - A60425

La Perm (5 Longhair 4 Shorhair)
BOB - Imperial's In For It Now - A54630
BOS - Imperial's Bring on The Rain - A54616

Peterbald (14)
BOB - Centuri False Innocence - A50118
BOS - LGF/WHC Today's Forcast - A49707

Selkirk Rex (5)
BOB - Viking's Hershey Kiss - A61850
BOS - Harcourt's Hedonist the Harlequin - A59273

Abyssinian (7)
BOB - UMZ Spoken Like A Song - A55641
BOS - Sun Shower King Of Cats - A51659

Korat (11)
BOB - Sun Shower's Lotus Flower - A47215
BOS - NB It's A Good Life - A59542

Oriental Longhair (12)
BOB - Sun Shower's Starlight - A51755
BOS - Sun Shower's Filfil Aswid - A47429

Oriental Shorthair (11)
BOB - Sun Shower's Chocolate Chip - A51783
BOS - Cargo's Faint Radiance - A58486

Russian Blue (6)
BOB - Viking's Raindrops Keep Fallin' - A61892
BOS - FAB's Proof Of Purchase - A54242

Seychellois (3 Longhair 9 Shorthair)
BOB - Centuri Seeking Serenity - A51709
BOS - Centuri North Star - A51706

Siamese (15)
BOB - Cargo's Glass Slipper - A47643
BOS - Nova Blue Touch of Gold - A55287

Somali (14)
BOB - Harcourt's Lordly Manors - A59262
BOS - Imeprial's Lonely Heart - A50383

American Havana Brown (7)
BOB - Nova Blue Lilja 4-Ever - A56220
BOS - NB/Lakeshore's Ring it up to Sunday - A55926

Bengal (17)
BOB - Centuri Diamonds in the Night - A59422
BOS - Sera Tropical Sun - A58346

Burmese (9)
BOB - Sun Shower's Butterscotch - A51968
BOS - Viking's The Akha Way - A58857

Nebelung (6)
BOB - NDOSB's Dressed To Kill - A53292
BOS - FAB's Letter D'amour - A54241

Ojos Azules (8)
BOB - Nova Blue Tracks in the Sand - A55289
BOS - Viking's Sellado Para Arriba - A61893

Snowshoe (31)
BOB - Viking's Have You Met Miss Jones - A55371
BOS - Sera Frosted Paws - A58340

Bracco Italiano(3) - Cargo's Across Shimmering Waters - A52441
Pointer(4) - Samhradh's Return To Paradise - A58407
German Shorthaiedr Pointer(1) - CJM's Franz Von Lakeshore - A56164
German Wirehaired Pointer(2) - Samhradh's The Great Hunter - A49748
Gordon Setter(3) - The Duke Of Sun Shower - A60118
Irish Water Spaniel(4) - Bayfront Hydrophobiac - A56588
Kooikerhondje(3) - G&B's Fashion Statement - A43927
Large Munsterlander(3) - Sun Shower Beauty From Pain - A46274
Small Munsterlander(2) - Brendan Boy of Gunhill - A58913
Sussex Spaniel(1) - DQK's Saxon Starlet - A52315
Wetterhoun(3) - Lotus Christmas Surprise - A60049
Beagle(2) - Onesto's My Best Friend - A60209
Black and Tan Coonhound(4) - Samhradh's Southern Tradition - A58447
Bloodhound(3) - Heritage All American Hero - A52913
Chart Polski(3) - Lakeshore's Pet Tigress - A56394
Cirneco Dell'Etna(4) - Popcorn's Stealer Of Gnomes - A56656
Drever(4) - Sunhill's Frå Bråkmakargatan - A57318
English Foxhounds(3) - Samhardh's Do you Believe in Magic? - A49999
Hamiltonstovare(1) - ERK's Walk Again - A57432
Harrier(4) - LWH's Himina - A44675
Irish Wolfhound(3) - Cato's Makeshift Wings - A58526
Norweigan Elkhound(2) - Sunhill's Huldra - A57407
Otterhound(1) - GDK/UMZ Bowling for Soup - A53455
Portuguese Podengo (Miniature)(3) - Cato's Anti-Semantic - A54805
Plott(4) - Silverfrost's Thief of the Zodiac - A57217
Redbone Coonhound(1) - Sun Shower Music To My Ears - A48078
Australian Cattle Dog(4) - Samhradh's A Painted Sky - A51320
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog(2) - Samhradh's Essence Of A Dream - A51865
Dutch Shepherd Dog(2 Longhair - 2 Shorthair) - SWSK's What Lies In Truth - A51351
Iceland Dog(3) - Sunhill's Spori Sámur - A57307
Komondor(4) - RKO Kats Dutchess Barbala - A21048
Lancashire Heeler(4) - Paradigm's Missing You The Most - A55712
Norwegian Buhund(2) - Samhradh's Foothills Of A Fantasy - A50402
Pumi(1) - Nova Blue Blueberry Pal - A55281
Schapendoes(2) - Harig Von Sunhill - A60132
Swedish Vallhund(3) - Kaulike's Highly Improbable - A56246
Cairn Terrier(1) - Hokulea'sCharismatic Leader - A55125
Glen of Imaal Terrier(1) - UMZ The Meaning of Lonely, - A48468
Irish Terrier(3) - Roxxy's Ghost Sighting - A59213
Jack Russell Terrier(2) - Sunhill's Snow White - A43892
Japanese Terrier(4) - Sh's Super Cute - A52378
Manchester Terrier(2 Standard 2 Toy) - NDOSB's Crunchetize Me Cap'n - A59963
Patterdale Terrier(1) - Fango Who's Got Your Heart? - A60028
Scottish Terrier(1) - Sunhill's Lord Of The Isles - A57076
Skye Terrier(2) - Fango Dark Stranger - A60059
Teddy Roosevelt Terrier(3) - Icescorn's Faster Than a Speeding Bullet - A54480
Welsh Terrier(3) - GDK April Showers - A47416
Brussels Griffon(3) - Sunhill's Fille Folle - A57389
Chinese Crested(2) - Heritage The Bene Gesserit - A50957
English Toy Spaniel(3) - Hokulea's Temple Protector - A56945
Pug(3) - LWH's Pug Maxi - A50341
Volpino Italiano(2) - Fango White 'n' Wonderful - A59062
Canaan Dog(3) - FAB's Laugh Out Loud - A56374
Danish Swedish Farmdog (4) - LWH's Korsvej - A49972
English Bulldog(2) - PrimRose's Miss Macy Sue - A60746
French Bulldog(3) - Wellshire's Old Myth - A54677
Hokkaido(1) - Sunhill's Kazuki Ogami - A48993
Japanese Akita(3) - Kamvis's WANATSU-SAN - A47696
Keeshond(3) - FAB's So Fresh - A56511
Peruvian Hairless Dog (Standard)(1) - Yeah, You Better Run from Vulpes - A57613
Tibetan Spaniel(1) - Samhradh's Fingerprints - A60050
Bullmastiff(4) - Samhradh's Keep 'em Guessing - A55031
Caucasian Ovtcharka(2) - Phantom Good Guy Blues - A59556
Dogue de Bordeaux(3) - RKO Kats Lady Hooch - A58050
Eurasier(1) - NDOSB's You Cannot Chain - A58023
Portuguese Water Dog(4) - DQK's Danse Macabre - A54200
Pyrenean Mastiff(4) - Kuja's Talk About Romance - A56981
Samoyed(4) - PRK Little Dough Boy - A58275
Spanish mastiff(2) - Wellshire's Memories - A56368
Tosa Inu(1) - Lakeshore's East Meets West - A45846
Norwegian Forest Cat(2) - Viking's Villt Vann - A61855
Siberian(3) - Sera Monster of the Deep - A61184
Sokoke(4) - Viking's Chizoba - A58761
Exotic(2) - Viking's Rawr! - A55045
Tabby(4) - Halcyon Ashes to Ashes - A59585
American Curl(2 Longhair 1 Shorthair) - Viking's How 'Bout Them Cowgirls - A60022
American Wirehair(1) - NB Girl Your Gonna Get'em - A59544
Cornish Rex(2) - Viking's Holy Mackerel - A60023
Sphynx(4) - Sun Shower's Tuxedo - A48437
Balinese(4) - Heritage Wild Card - A49306
Singapura(1) - Viking's Crossing Over - A55104
Ocicat(3) - Sera Looming Cloud - A61172
Tiffanie(2) - Lakeshore's He's A Maniac - A53931

Samhradh's Broadway Is Dark Tonight - Unrealistic white pattern
Samhradh's Revelation Theory - Unrealistic white pattern
Toretto Good Old Boy - ESSs are only allowed to come in the piebald or extreme piebald white patterns, not irish spotting
Kaulike's Triumph of the Sky - Unrealistic white markings
Wish's Whole Lotta Rosie - Bad image quaility
Wish's Townsquare Tangerine Cream - Bad image quaility
Wish's Gemstone Matrix - Bad image quaility
Sun Shower's Loyal Friend - Wrong pic(of a WSS)
LWH's Control The Boss - Not in proper pose
Vento de Espero's IN MY DREAMS - Skinny pose
More About Me At DeeOhGee - Unrealistic white markings
Onesto's With A Cherry On Top - Dachshunds not allowed to come in sable merle
LWH's If Tomorrow Never Comes - Not in proper pose
LWH's Home Once Again - In scared pose
Kutie's Unforgetable Journey - Unrealtistic white pattern
Nordic's Gimme Hope - Bad image quaility
Nordic's Irish Devil - Bad image quaility
FireRidge's Busy Bee - Brown striping not allowed in whippets
Sunhill's Companheiro Cinzento - Missing variety(was BOB), should be " Portuguese Podengo (Miniature) "
Sunhill's Açúcar e Creme - Missing variety, should be " Portuguese Podengo (Miniature) "
Vulpes Él Está Loco, Hombre! - Missing variety, should be " Portuguese Podengo (Miniature) "
DeeOhGee's Fish Outta Water - Entered twice(only 1 entry DQ'd)
SC's Ancient Ruin - Entered twice(only 1 entry DQ'd)
Wish's Cadbury Abba - Bad image quaility
Samhradh's Southern Enterprise - Only traditional tan markings accepted
Samhradh's It Happened One Night - Only traditional tan markings accepted
Onesto's Brindled Beauty - Only merled dogz are allowed to have irish spotting
RKO Kats Egyptian Storm at Teacup - Unrealistic white markings
Halcyon Achieve a Dream - Unrealistic white markings
Elka's Brown Starlight - Not in pose
Paradigm's Misery Breeds Malice - Unrealistic white pattern
Wellshire's Silent Planet - Unrealtistic tan markings- outside of ears should be non-tan(inside may be tan or non tan).
Kutie/RS's Minor Renforcement - Breed name is " German Shepherd Dog ", not " German Shepherd "
Marcato's Faun of Friendship at SC - No mention of size variations on standard
Marcato's Competent Confidence at SWSK - No mention of size variations on standard
Wildfyre's Star Spangled Banner - No image
Onesto's Back To Basic - Entered twice(only 1 entry DQ'd)
Wish's Cedarbar Firebird - A56558 - Bad image quality
Georgie's black knight of the king - A58117 - Not in pose
Samhradh's Delta Dawn - 95 striping not allowed in brindles
LWH's Amazing Impressions - A59988 - Chest should be tan
FireRidge's Fire Breathing Fly - File not accepted
FireRidge's String Of Flowers - File not accepted
Down The River Styx to Icescorn - Missing white tail tip
RKO Zeus' Apollo of Olympia - Not in pose
Gerogie's Jack Daniels - A48777 - Bad image quaility, breed should be " Chihuahua (Shorthair) " not smoothcoat
RS/Amore's From The Embers of Tanzing - A28736 - Unrealistic white pattern
RKO Zeus' Apollo of Olympia - A16938 - Not in pose
Camelot's Heavenly Cassiopeia - A46501 - Not in pose
SWSK's Errol Flynn O'Kalen at RKO - A48132 - Breed should be " Chow Chow (Longhair) "
RKO Ch'un Chi Ching Shen - A44359 - Breed should be " Chow Chow (Longhair) "
Toretto Playing Pretend - A59384 - Breed should be " Chow Chow (Longhair) "
Toretto Live The Moment - A59385 - Breed should be " Chow Chow (Longhair) "
Sunhill's Ban-Gashira - A60399 - Furfile not allowed to be transparent
JR Serenading the Tiger - A59677 - Bad image quailtiy
JR Just Another Regret - A59678 - Bad image quaility
JR Guardian Bear - A59692 - Bad image quailiy
RKO Kats Dali Llamah - A43616 - Bad image quaility
TK'S/DASK Karina - A60394 - Bad image quaility
TK'S White Tulip - A60396 - Bad image quaility
NDOSB's Have No Fear - A57173 - Jowl has odd/wrong texture
Kaki's Graceful Return - A59761 - Missing white tail tip
Kamis's Fade Into Dusk - A49219 - Overpose & bad image quality
Wish's Dip Me in Axl Grease - A59546 - Bad image quaility
Puerto Negro's Gypsy Sorrow - A58675 - File not accepted
Puerto Negro's Aphrodita Altra - A58670 - File not accepted
LWH's One Wish - A57406 - File not accepted
LWH's Pirate Bones - A57408 - File not accepted
Puerto Negro's Alexander Bkitne Serce - A59156 - File not accepted
Puerto Negro/Aw's You taste magnificently! - A58590 - Bad image quaility
Diageo's Star of Wonder - A37562 - Bad image quaility
Interlude Gentle Giant - A60297 - Gender not fully listed
Diageo's I Don't Wanna Be - A38960 - Entered twice (only 1 entry DQ'd)
BVK Are You Sleeping - A59189 - Needs white chest
BVK Why Bother - A59208 - Needs white chest
LWH's Snow Wonders - A59987 - Needs white chest
Sera Momma's Girl - No breed listed
Maie's September Frost - Unrealistic white pattern
Maie's Royal Flush - 50% white required for odd-eyes
Maie's Crisp Linen - 50% white required for odd-eyes
Maie's The Lion-hearted - Unrealistic white pattern
Toretto In Sacrifice - A59854 - Must be full grown
Maie's Dare To Romance Me - Unrealistic white pattern
JR Spitfire - A59100 - Underweight (Gender should also be Male/Female, not Tom/Queen)
Flipside's Bottom Of My Soul - A18703 - 55/125 not accepted tort combo
Maie's Oncoming Traffic - A53045 - Unrealistic White pattern
Maie's Champagne From A Paper Cup - A53050 - ""
Maie's Claim to Fame - A53184 - ""
Viking's Be My Valentine - A61851 - Heart-shaped spot too perfect
Heritage Sleepy Hollow - A50143 - White tail
FAB's Banana Pancakes - A60451 - White tail tip
WHC Crave This Feeling - A45386 - Needs white chest
Nightwish' Back In Black - A59348 - Wrong breed
Paradigm's Fear Is The Heart Of Love - A52484 - Wrong group
Imperial's Thieving Glance - A55163 - Wrong group
Imperial's This Is Me - A50734 - White pattern (trim) not allowed
Sun Shower Nothin' But Trouble - A47410 - White pattern (trim) not allowed
FAB's Birthday Wishes - A54367 - White pattern (trim) not allowed, ear insides are tabby patterned, should be solid
FAB's Runaway Superstar - A54257 - Ear insides are tabby patterned
FAB's Feeling The Trigger - A54374 - White pattern (trim) not allowed, ear insides are tabby patterned, should be solid
Harcourt's Gray Shaquor - A59322 - Entered twice(only 1 entry DQ'd)
RKO Kats Angel Lite - A55377 - Wrong breed
Cargo's Tidalwave Season - A57905 - Head ball should be base colour, not included in the mask
Snicker's Sweet Music - A59780 - Ear insides are tabby patterned
Snicker's Too Hot - A59781 - Ear insides are tabby patterned
Snicker's Innocent Angel - A59782 - Ear insides are tabby patterned
Toretto Running From Everything - A59852 - Must be full grown
Toretto Red Summer Sun - A59853 - Must be full grown
FeCa's Extraordinary Girl - A35574 - Unrealistic white pattern
All petz owned by starstruck468 & Providence


Rat Recipes

Herby Chicken and Green Bean Stew(aka what the rats had for dinner)

120 grams cooked skinless chicken thigh + bones(do not include bones in weight) - about 2
Extra chicken bones of your choice(each rat needs one), or bone meal/egg shell
240 grams potatoes - about 2 medium
180 grams green beans
60 grams brussel sprouts - about 6
3 cloves garlic
1 cup water
2 tablespoons tarragon
2 tablespoons oregano
1 teaspoon basil
1 teaspoon black pepper

Dice potatoes and chicken, slice garlic, cut up green beans, half brussel sprouts. Toss all in a pan, along with the rest of the ingredients. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer covered for 20-30 mins. Feed to hungry rats! If you wanted to feed it to people, exclude the bones, add some salt/butter, onion and serve with crusty bread.

Makes twelve servings. Approx 1.8% fat, 11% carbohydrate, 3% fiber, 8% protein

Chicken Soup

60g cooked shredded white-meat chicken
60g dry tri-coloured curly pasta
60g carrots, chopped
120g zucchini
2 cloves garlic
2 teaspoon oregano
2 teaspoon basil
1/8 teaspoon black pepper

Boil a pot of water; add pasta. Chop carrots and slice zucchini into half moons. After 6 mins, add chicken, carrots, zuchinni and garlic. Boil 2 mins longer and drain(reserve some liquid if desired). Remove garlic, mash, then toss back in along with the herbs.

Makes six servings. Approx 1% fat, 9% protein


The banging and shaking got too much and I ended up outside. Successfully started a fire. Went much better then yesterdays attempt, so I know I am not completely inept at everything. Yesterday I could barely get newspaper to catch.

Cleaned the rat cage, finally. Let the boys free-range in the bathroom while I was doing it and they had fun. If it had a proper window, I would let them have that plus a small cage. It's easy to rat proof and clean. And the girls could have the big cage all to themselves. Of course it doesn't. Girls got the dog crate during cleaning- they were not terribly impressed.

One of my girl mice died the night before last. Opal. I think her cage mate did it. It just made me mad. Not at the mouse. Not at me. So, at what, I'm not sure... I hate being uncertain. Makes me anxious. Anxiety makes me - Panicky. Twitchy. blah. tired.

Need to go to sleep.. I planned on getting up .early. regardless of the amount of when I went to sleep. So it looks like I'll be getting 3 hours -/+ . ick.

To do list

Figure out cage arrangements
Go thru show pictures
E-mail Belgian breeder contact person
Go for a walk
Finish Catfishs' task list


The house is shaking. Has been for a week. Construction. Can't think straight.

Sigh. All I can manage are fragments.



Going to the vacationland dog club all-breed/ob/rally show this weekend. Or, sunday anyway. Which means I need to bathe and brush Catfish today... trim feet too, or else she'll have pine sap stuck in them. Geez, sounds like I have a show dog already! I still have the fancy-borrowed-camera so I'll be sure to take pix. Catfish has been acting like a real intact female dog, I hope she behaves.

I made starter this morning for english muffins. So I'll be making them tonight. Hm, what else has been happeing...it's rat cleaning cage day so I need to do those. Went to the pet shop in Scarborough("pawsitivley pets") that sells puppies. bleh. Filling a complaint. Got attacked by mosquitoes and possibly have poison ivy on my finger, while looking for tadpoles. Didn't find any tadpoles.

I think I am going to go outside and take some pix cause it's sunny and pretty out.


Mice past

Here are some(most) of the mice I've had in the past, in spring 06 - fall 07

Adorable baby Curly at 2 weeks old. I hand raised him.
With his sibling, Larry-Moe
At 4 weeks!
Grown up
Tippy, Andy, Abby(rescue). The people gave her up after having her for 2 years because they were having a baby. Shelter had her for 2 months, I had her for 2 months, so she lived at least 2 yrs 5 months.
Lilly(Tippy's sister, runt)
Rat! Named so because he acted/looked like a rat
Felix, one of my very first pair.
Abby and Tippy. Tippy was my favorite girl mouse.
Andy- she was a dumbo, like a dumbo rat.


Felix & Alexx


Archer's new setup, Calimari, and rats

Archer's new set up. It's organic dirt(no icky pesticides or chemical fertilizers) with a bottom layer of yesterday's news for drainage. I don't know if the yesterday's news was necessary, If/when I make another set up like this I think I'll leave it out. Dirt is supposed to be _great_ for smell and last a long time(months)- we'll see. So far, no smell, and he loves digging arround in it. It's got a flower pot "igloo", shell/rock house, picture-frame stand thing, tunnel, rope bridge, hammock, toys and wheel. The orange line indicates where the tunnel is, and the x's are the openings(Archer made the the middle one himself). When I put him last night, it was all flat and such, complete with a little river rock path from house to water bottle. As you can see it was not up to his standards and he spent all night excavating.

In the tunnel....

Peeking out the front end
Back to the other side again

Sitting under the shell lean-to
And Calamari being handsome

Tact has a lump :( It's either a fatty tumor or a mammary one. Pretty much inevitable, but it still makes me sad. I'm pretty sure Cassy's problems(weight-loss, bulging eye, unexplained lactation, nervousness, neurotic behaviors) are cause by a pituitary tumor. Tact in his younger days

I guess the sweet black mamma-to-be rat had her babies and is doing well. I just hope she ends up as a pet and not someone's dinner.


May Flowers

Went down to the cemetery yesterday and took some photos with a fancy borrowed camera. Here are a couple quick ones(sorry about the watermarks but I'm very productive of my stuff!)

Daffodils, overlooking the river

A neat double(triple?) petaled one, that was all by it's lonesome among the dogtooth violets.
Down by the river
Cherry blossoms
A crow posing nicely... I was able to take this one from 30ft away. I miss using a nice camera!

Dog show this weekend, in Acton, but I don't think we're going. No Tollers entered acording to the premium, however there are some rare/new breeds entered that I would like to see in person just because. 1 Beezer, 1 Kuvasz, 1 Otterhound... I'd also like to meet some PWDs and Berners even though I think they're probably too big for what I want.

Well that's all, need to get up early & bathe Cat regardless if we go to the show or not. Night!



See, all shiny and clean :) And handsome - look at that face! If I ever breed rats I only want to breed rexes & double rexes. Lymph nodes are still up, but he's still acting fine.

So, now the boys and girls are all in the big cage again. Girls on the bottom, boys on top - seperated by the steel grate/shelf that's already welded there, plus the grate that goes in the bottom(I just use the plastic tray on the bottom). So no babies. However, half of the isn't really enough for the boys. So I gave them a "penthouse" use the trap door on the top + the wire part of the gp cage. So far, so good.

Now for pictures of course - can you find them all?


Pie & Gumbo sharing a bone(yes, actually sharing!)
Linus, sleepin'. Still going strong at 16 months old(as is his brother).
Publish Post

All of Gumbos lymph nodes are swollen, since last night. Don't really know what to make of that as he seems fine otherwise. Gave him a bath tonight, maybe that will help. He's all soft and clean and bright! now. As opposed to itchy, oily and orange before. Really sweet girl rat at the pet store today... but she was preggers. Verrrry sweet, friendly etc- normally preg rats aren't, even ones that are handled from day 1. She was a silvered black berkshire. Needles to say, she stayed- I don't have room for 12+ more rats here!

My knee hurts today but my back is only mildly so, and it didn't hurt at all yesterday! or the day before. Still having chest pains. Joints are sore from the rain but it's supposed to be nice the rest of this week.

Did the edging on Cats pack, started taking out some seems I did mistakenly, so I can put the front strap in. Ripped the zippers out of a thrift store purse so I can do the pockets tomorrow. Also need to sew in the top zipper.

Now, it is time for me to go to bed, since it is suddenly almost 4 am