
Conf - Minor - Lime Green Flamingos - 2 - Aug-13-08

Lime Green Flamingos
Show Number 2
Show Closing Date - 13-AUG-08

Final Winners

Dogz(Total Entry1499)

BIS - NYNK's Mind Illusion - A62235 (Chihuahua (Shorthair)) (1498)
BW - Samhradh Written In Lipstick - A68403 (Sussex Spaniel) (1380)
RW - Sunhill's Doppa Dora - A57306 (Iceland Dog) (1124)
W1 - Sunhill's Acucar e Creme - A60169 (Portuguese Podengo (Miniature)) (766)
W2 - Rynnti Beauty and Grace - A68306 (Xoloitzquintle (Miniature)) (525)

Also in WC: Kamvis' Highly Visible - A66729 (Fox Terrier (Smooth)) (385), Sunhill/DQK's Hot Rat - A64634 (Leonberger) (219)

Catz (Total Entry 292)

BIS - Nightwish' White Night Fantasy - A66789 (Norwegian Forest Cat) (292)
BW - Novablue Not A Lion - A67259 (Tiffanie) (230)
RW - Grandeur Tropical Nights - A54487 (Exotic) (203)
W1 - NYNK's Stubborn Puss - A61967 (Siamese) (142)
W2 - Viking's Lulu Loopylocks - A65018 (La Perm) (96)

Also in WC: LS No Control (Munchkin (Shorhair)) (48)

Group Winners

Gundog | Also Shortlisted: German Wirehaired Pointer (251), Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (250), Bracco Italiano (249), Field Spaniel (248)
1 - Samhradh Written In Lipstick - A68403 (Sussex Spaniel) (255)
2 - PrimRose's Surprisingly Crazy - A68191 (Weimaraner) (254)
3 - Reeva Rose of Gunhill - A63653 (Irish Setter) (253)
4 - Fango Baile Átha Cliath - A68621 (German Shorhaired Pointer) (252)

Hound | Also Shortlisted: American Foxhound (236), Black and Tan Coonhound (235), Borzoi (234), Ibzian Hound(Wirehair) (233)
1 - Sunhill's Acucar e Creme - A60169 (Portuguese Podengo (Miniature)) (240)
2 - Rynnti Lady of the Stars - A68103 (Galgo Espanol) (239)
3 - Chaotic's Salvia Divinorum - A65084 (Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen) (238)
4 - Sunhill's Anahita Ratebzad - A68688 (Afghan Hound) (237)

Pastoral | Also Shortlisted: Swedish Vallhund (353), Australian Shepherd (352), Catalan Sheepdog (351), Estrela Mountain Dog (350),Bouvier des Flandres (349), Croatian Sheepdog (348)
1 - Sunhill's Doppa Dora - A57306 (Iceland Dog) (357)
2 - Regal's A Year On An Airplane - A42462 (Belgian Shepherd (Laekenois)) (356)
3 - BG's Dee Oh Gee - A68415 (Collie (Rough)) (355)
4 - Santeria's Strange Big Moon - A67945 (Schapendoes) (354)

Terrier | Also Shortlisted: Parson Russell Terrier (161), Bull Terrier (160)
1 - Kamvis' Highly Visible - A66729 (Fox Terrier (Smooth)) (165)
2 - Cambria Promise Me - A63775 (American Staffordshire Terrier) (164)
3 - Energy's Unmailed Letters - A65891 (Bedlington Terrier) (163)
4 - Junee's Fake Currency - A64347 (Skye Terrier) (162)

Toy | Also Shortlisted: Chinese Crested (113), Miniature Pinscher (112), Havanese (111), Volpino Italiano (110), Yorkshire Terrier (109), Papillon (Phalene) (108), Papillon (Papillon) (107)
1 - NYNK's Mind Illusion - A62235 (Chihuahua (Shorthair)) (117)
2 - Moonlight Serenade of Kezia - A64718 (Pomeranian) (116)
3 - Rampant Noble and Just - A49191 (Lowchen) (115)
4 - Cambria Cafe au Lait - A54183 (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) (114)

Utility | Also Shortlisted: Peruvian Hairless Dog (Standard)(135), German Spitz(Mittelspitz)(134), Tibetan Spaniel (133)
1 - Rynnti Beauty and Grace - A68306 (Xoloitzquintle (Miniature)) (139)
2 - Kamvis' AKEMI-CHAN - A68726 (Japanese Akita) (138)
3 - Flagrante's Carpe Jugulum - A68249 (Lhasa Apso) (137)
4 - Rynnti Danse Manatee - A62109 (Canaan Dog) (136)

Working | Also Shortlisted: Standard Schnauzer (215), Dogo Canario (214), Dobermann (213), Boxer (212), American Bulldog (211), Central Asian Ovtcharka (210)
1 - Sunhill/DQK's Hot Rat - A64634 (Leonberger) (219)
2 - Kamvis' HARNAŚ - A66700 (Tatra Shepherd Dog) (218)
3 - Providence Snow at Sunset - A65012 (Siberian Husky) (217)
4 - One of the Bad Boys at Samhradh - A68391 (Alaskan Malamute) (216)

Feline 1 | Also Shortlisted: None
1 - Nightwish' White Night Fantasy - A66789 (Norwegian Forest Cat) (61)
2 - Rynnti Mirage On Lake Baikal - A68894 (Siberian) (60)
3 - LightningStrike Blazing Sun - A68129 (Turkish Angora) (58)
4 - N/A

Feline 2 | Also Shortlisted: None
1 - Grandeur Tropical Nights - A54487 (Exotic) (60)
2 - NB Running Down the Lakeshore - A68250 (Black and White Shorthair) (59)
3 - Nightwish' Eye Of The Tiger - A66803 (Tabby) (58)
4 - Gregarious Fellow of Grandeur - A44027 (Persian) (57)

Feline 3 | Also Shortlisted: Manx (43), American Bobtail(Shorthair)(42)
1 - LS No Control (Munchkin (Shorhair)) (48)
2 - NB/Paradigm's Fallen Bounty - A56608 (Alley Cat) (47)
3 - Viking's How 'Bout Them Cowgirls - A60022 (American Curl(Longhair)) (46)
4 - NYNK's Fuzzy Maraca - A62057 (Orange Shorthair) (44)

Feline 4 | Also Shortlisted: None
1 - Viking's Lulu Loopylocks - A65018 (La Perm) (47)
2 - Popcorn's Updated Software - A63165 (Sphynx) (46)
3 - Nightwish' Burning Bridges - A66785 (American Wirehair) (45)
4 - I'm Your Godess at Fango - A65563 (Peterbald) (44)

Feline 5 | Also Shortlisted: Oriental Longhair (41)
1 - NYNK's Stubborn Puss - A61967 (Siamese) (44)
2 - Nightwish' Stars In The Sky - A63783 (Balinese) (44)
3 - Popcorn's Win Win Situation - A66860 (Somali) (43)
4 - Vulpes Sexy Tunes - A67660 (Abyssinian) (42)

Feline 6 | Also Shortlisted: None
1 - Novablue Not A Lion - A67259 (Tiffanie) (26)
2 - Rebel's Smoking That Cuban Cigarette - A66853 (Bengal) (25)
3 - Viking's Dhaka - A65019 (Bengal) (24)
4 - La Gare de Cent Ans a LS - A65296 (Nebelung) (23)

Breed Winners


American Cocker Spaniel (15)
BOB - ADK'S Sideways Glance - A67689
BOS - Cargo's Typical Cavalier - A65536

Bracco Italiano (5)
BOB - Roxxy's Thinkin' Romance at Samhradh - A66851
BOS - Roxxy's Shakin' It Up at Samhradh - A65481

Brittany (7)
BOB - Bayfront Where's My Bonnie? - A59065
BOS - ADK'S Little Pinpin - A67863

Chesapeake Bay Retriever (10)
BOB - Shadowfox When Darkness Turns to Light - A67069
BOS - Shadowfox A Shard of DragonStone - A68351

Clumber Spaniel (9)
BOB - Vulpes French Ballerina - A68408
BOS - Cargo's Songs in My Head - A65553

Curly Coated Retriver (13)
BOB - Shadowfox's Computer Crash - A63927
BOS - ADK'S Chocolate Indulgence - A67806

English Pointer (7)
BOB - Santeria's On the Road to Ruin - A68742
BOS - Cargo's To Let You Shine - A65787

English Springer Spaniel (14)
BOB - ADK'S In Loving Memory - A61670
BOS - Toretto The Road Not Taken - A65186

Field Spaniel (12)
BOB - Bayfront Rev My Engine - A68370
BOS - ADK'S Spring Of The Field - A67824

Flat Coated Retriver (10)
BOB - Toretto Better Off Without You - A68443
BOS - ADK'S Gunna Be A Star - A68844

German Longhaired Pointer (5)
BOB - Sunhill's Waldnymphe - A60062
BOS - Das Best of Gunhill - A65372

German Wachtelhund (6)
BOB - Kaulike's Book Worm of Lakeshore - A66499
BOS - Samhradh's Dr. Howser - A67170

Golden Retriever (9)
BOB - Palmetto's Quest For Sunshine - A66845
BOS - Karmount For Your Entertainment - A51208

Hungarian vizsla (9 Shorthair 1 Wirehair)
BOB - Lua Azul's/Lakeshore's Maradj Velem of Teacup - A58935
BOS - Klassz Innocent One - A66062

Irish Setter (13)
BOB - Fango Baile Átha Cliath - A68621
BOS - Cambria The Irish Star - A68276

Korthals Griffon (12)
BOB - Toretto Get Me Through - A66702
BOS - Lakeshore's Dances With Wolves - A66535

Labrador Retriever (6)
BOB - TS's Tangled Web - A68309
BOS - Wish/Jailbreak's Heart of a Lion - A68118

Large Munsterlander (5)
BOB - Santeria's In With the Out Crowd - A67946
BOS - Bombyx of Gunhill - A63748

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (5)
BOB - Cambria Ocean Breeze - A61253
BOS - Cambria Race Against Time - A61254

Small Munsterlander (7)
BOB - Eq's The Little Mermaid - A65615
BOS - Eq's Simba's Pride - A65587

Spinone Italiano (12)
BOB - FAB's We The Ruthless - A65345
BOS - FAB's Selfish Sympathy - A65343

Sussex Spaniel (8)
BOB - Samhradh Written In Lipstick - A68403
BOS - Toretto What You Wish For - A67578

Weimaraner (11)
BOB - PrimRose's Surprisingly Crazy - A68191
BOS - ADK'S Silky Skies - A67738

Welsh Springer Spaniel (12)
BOB - Teacup's Black Jack at Shadowfox - A64102
BOS - Shadowfox's Hollywood Bound - A64011

Wetterhoun (9)
BOB - Chaotic's Ship Eater - A63636
BOS - Cambria Soft as Clay - A64578


Australian Kelpie (15)
BOB - ANC's Gail Force Winds - A66981
BOS - DeeOhGee's With Two Olives - A60478

Australian Shepherd (21)
BOB - Cambria After the Storm - A67470
BOS - Kamvis' Dazzling Superstar - A67476

Belgian Shepherd (22) ( 1 Groenendael 6 Laekenois 10 Malinois 4 Tervueren)
BOB - Regal's A Year On An Airplane - A42462
BOS - Guardian's Gotowa na Wszystko - A65874

Border Collie (18)
BOB - BG's Arpeggio - A68680
BOS - Jail Break's Black and Blue - A61208

Bouvier des Ardennes (10)
BOB - Toretto Know Your Name - A68425
BOS - Cher Serendipity of Gunhill - A62119

Bouvier des Flandres (18)
BOB - Wildfyre's Harmonica of Samhradh - A51374
BOS - ADK'S Black Sails - A68049

Briard (6)
BOB - Sh's Good Intent - A58560
BOS - Toretto Running Out Of Hope - A66701

Cardigan Welsh Corgi (5)
BOB - HWC Almost Lover of Kamvis - A61874
BOS - HWC This Is My Now - A68547

Catahoula Leopard Dog (12)
BOB - DeeOhGee's Mighty Hectate at GDK - A60085
BOS - Vixen's Master Of Disguise - A68759

Catalan Sheepdog (6)
BOB - Novablue No Go Mister - A66238
BOS - Nova Blue The Prophecy of Shadowfox - A66248

Collie (Rough) (5)
BOB - BG's Dee Oh Gee - A68415
BOS - Toretto Let The Fear Grow - A65993

Collie (Smooth) (5)
BOB - Novablue Moment of Truth - A68253

Croatian Sheepdog (6)
BOB - Rynnti Return To Cookie Mountain - A66542
BOS - Kamvis' Late Night Lover - A66596

Dutch Shepherd Dog (3 Longhair 9 Shorthair)
BOB - ADK'S Hot Coco - A68043
BOS - Santeria's Crimson and Clover - A68723

English Shepherd (13)
BOB - Bellestar's Preening Pixie - A66823
BOS - Santeria's Watching Back to the Future - A67742

Estrela Mountain Dog (5)
BOB - Puerto Negro's Esti - A64742
BOS - Puerto Negro's Castor Oesto - A66349

Finnish Lapphund (7)
BOB - Popcorn's Light of the Moon - A42697
BOS - Bellestar's Supreme Mugwump - A66825

German Shepherd Dog (17)
BOB - Eq's Money Hungry - A63593
BOS - Northshore Elixir of Life - A65377

Lapponian herder (9)
BOB - Fango Runs Like Lightening - A68518
BOS - Bellestar's When the Truth Is - A67932

Maremma Sheepdog (7)
BOB - Lakeshore's Something In My Drink at UMZ - A68848
BOS - Santeria's Boom! She Said - A68755

Mudi (12)
BOB - Voodoo Child of Gunhill - A64459
BOS - Rocky Road to LightningStrike - A62952

Norwegian Buhund (16)
BOB - ADK'S Release The Lion - A68190
BOS - Fango Every Time We Fall - A66764

Old English Sheepdog (8)
BOB - Courtney'z Venido a sus Sentidos - A67801
BOS - NYNK's Long Trip To You - A62041

Pembroke Welsh Corgi (10)
BOB - Chaotic's Twoo WuvA66758
BOS - Chaotic's Very Put Out - A65083

Polish Lowland Sheepdog (11)
BOB - Kamvis' Z Zimowego Gwiazdozbioru - A67852
BOS - Cargo's Savanna Grounds - A65636

Pumi (8)
BOB - Popcorn's Bronze Age - A48372
BOS - Junee's Gifted Shepherd - A67146

Schapendoes (7)
BOB - Santeria's Strange Big Moon - A67945
BOS - Santeria's On the Road - A67944

Shetland Sheepdog (24)
BOB - BG's Black Wing - A68681
BOS - Shadowfox's Where Is Snoopy - A64470

Swedish Lapphund (10)
BOB - Novablue Sommarhetta - A68252
BOS - Santeria's Minor Threat - A68589

Swedish Vallhund (7)
BOB - ADK'S Born Free - A68147
BOS - Sunhill's The Vind is Vanding - A68745


Afghan Hound (5)
BOB - Sunhill's Anahita Ratebzad - A68688
BOS - Flash Harry of Gunhill - A63973

American Foxhound (12)
BOB - DeeOhGee's Makin' Moonshine - A68906
BOS - Sunhill's Slowfox - A68855

Azawakh (5)
BOB - Shadowfox Orange Streak - A67766
BOS - Fango Building Huts - A67473

Basenji (5)
BOB - Cato's Modern Cliche - A51426

Basset Hound (9)
BOB - Jailbreak's Friend of a Fox - A68767
BOS - Courtney'z Delightful Delicacy - A59188

Beagle (8)
BOB - Lakeshore/Shadowfox's Here I Stand - A67695
BOS - Cambria The Midas Touch - A68298

Black and Tan Coonhound (6)
BOB - Vento de Espero's Nobodys Listening - A68143
BOS - Vento de Espero's Breaking The Habit - A68140

Bloodhound (11)
BOB - Toretto Taken In Faith - A68545
BOS - Dedicate To The Dead of Gunhill - A61845

Bluetick Coonhound (6)
BOB - Lakeshore's Misty Blue - A30494
BOS - Lakeshore's Blue Devil - A30409

Borzoi (11)
BOB - Eq's Poptart - A65987
BOS - Jack in the Box at LightningStrike - A64505

Cirneco Dell'Etna (7)
BOB - Popcorn's Piercing Silence - A67576
BOS - Popcorn's Very Last Dime - A60615

Dachshund (2 Longhair 3 Shorthair 6 Wirehair)
BOB - Toretto Love To Hate It - A63414
BOS - Toretto No Crime Here - A68444

Galgo Espanol (8)
BOB - Rynnti Lady of the Stars - A68103
BOS - Rynnti Lord of the Skies - A68102

Greyhound (7)
BOB - Jesse James of Gunhill - A64158
BOS - Jail Break's Ghost - A61040

Ibzian Hound (3 Shorthair 2 Wirehair)
BOB - LS Who Is He? - A66286
BOS - Jailbreak's Follow You Down Lake - A68101

Karelian Bear Dog (10)
BOB - ERK's Son of Sir Percy - A51440
BOS - Static's French Seasonings - A42289

Norrbottenspets (5)
BOB - Toretto Nothing Like The Past - A67628

Norwegian Elkhound (11)
BOB - Sunhill's Huldra - A57407
BOS - Fango Dirty Snow - A67306

Norwegian Elkhound Black (6)
BOB - Fango's Ethereal Melody - A64150
BOS - Fango Dog Star - A66849

Otterhound (8)
BOB - ADK'S The Good Old Days - A68013
BOS - Junee's It's Goblin Spelled Backwards! - A63620

Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (6)
BOB - Cambria Star's Hollow - A68273
BOS - Bellestar's Beedle the Bard - A67520

Plott (12)
BOB - Shadowfox/Bramblewood Sing A Campfire Song - A68862
BOS - Rocco of Gunhill - A65692

Portuguese Podengo (Miniature) (7)
BOB - Sunhill's Acucar e Creme - A60169
BOS - Flagrante Snatched From Death - A68559

Saluki (Longhair) (5)
BOB - Onesto's Something Better - A58658

Segugio Italiano (5)
BOB - NB Pezza Di Patata - A66883
BOS - Fango Sweet Victory - A66224

Treeing Walker Coonhound (10)
BOB - ADK'S lemonade And Ice - A68020
BOS - ADK'S On The Lookout - A68021

West Siberian Laika (8)
BOB - SWSKs Southern Cross - A44062
BOS - Bellestar's Amos the Phrophet - A67599

Whippet (14)
BOB - Cambria Prayer for the Refugee - A62247
BOS - ADK'S Stand Out From The Crowd - A68000


Airedale Terrier (7)
BOB - FAB's Beautifully Broken - A56513
BOS - Mischeif Maker of Kezia - A65465

American Staffordshire Terrier (11)
BOB - Northshore Free Spirit
BOS - Vulpes Hey Johnny - A67658

Bedlington Terrier (6)
BOB - Energy's Unmailed Letters - A65891
BOS - Energy's Empty Hearts & Secret Tears - A65800

Brazilian Terrier (6)
BOB - Popcorn's Ready To Rumble - A47963
BOS - Popcorn's Echoes In My Head - A47873

Bull Terrier (6)
BOB - Sebastian of Kezia - A64537
BOS - Bright Spark of Kezia - A64598

Cesky Terrier (7)
BOB - Tartan's Vintage Lace - A68882
BOS - Tartan's Nirvana - A68883

Fox Terrier (10)
BOB - Kamvis' Highly Visible - A66729
BOS - Kamvis' Well To Do - A66713

Jack Russell Terrier (10)
BOB - Sunhill's Snow White - A43892
BOS - Aiedail Furry Hero at NB - A63303

Kerry Blue Terrier (11)
BOB - Irresistable at Kezia - A66962
BOS - Sunhill's Leannan of Providence - A63444

Lakeland Terrier (8)
BOB - Cambria Stone Roses - A62138
BOS - Cambria Cumberland Straight - A62140

Parson Russell Terrier (6)
BOB - Cambria Caught Red Handed - A51616
BOS - Picturesque of Kezia - A61996

Rat Terrier (8)
BOB - BG's Bloody Mary - A68437
BOS - BG's Mime - A68642

Sealyham Terrier (8)
BOB - Lakeshore's Smile Please - A47108
BOS - Lakeshore's The Great Sealyham Caper - A49677

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (13)
BOB - ADK'S Flying Dutchman - A68919
BOS - Lakeshore's Street Fighter - A64219

Staffordshire Bull Terrier (10)
BOB - Cambria Promise Me - A63775
BOS - Max A Million Thanx at Kezia - A61904

Welsh Terrier (5)
BOB - Fango It's Been Ten Years - A66855
BOS - Fango Thursday Next - A66854


Alaskan Klee Kai (6)
BOB - Rynnti Sun of the Sea - A68474
BOS - Shadowfox Don't Underestimate Me - A66465

Bolognese (6)
BOB - FAB's Just Another Chipper - A66024
BOS - VPZ Innocent Secret - A38751

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (12)
BOB - Cambria Cafe au Lait - A54183
BOS - Lakeshore's I Wish Tonight - A59958

English Toy Spaniel (6)
BOB - Luxxar's Chinese Numbers - A68296
BOS - Luxxar's Noble Prince of Grandeur - A65057

Griffon (10)
BOB - Sunhill's Hot Dang - A64387
BOS - PrimRose's Small Town Charm - A64884

Lowchen (7)
BOB - Rampant Noble and Just - A49191
BOS - Rampant Watch Your Pocket - A49197

Miniature Pinscher (8)
BOB - Roxxy's Better With A Pen - A60758
BOS - PrimRose Bad Intentions - A67642

Papillon (Papillon) (5)
BOB - Toretto Thick As Thieves - A68428
BOS - Toretto Sentence Me - A68427

Papillon (Phalene) (7)
BOB - Moonlight Serenade of Kezia - A64718

Pomeranian (6)
BOB - Moonlight Serenade of Kezia - A64718
BOS - PrimRose's Hey Jealousy - A68627

Shih Tzu (9)
BOB - BG's Gold - A68641
BOS - GDK Up Stream - A47048

Yorkshire Terrier (5)
BOB - Cargo's Marie Claudette - A65612
BOS - Cargo's The Rich Life - A65613


American Akita (7)
BOB - Boheme Big Spender - A65717
BOS - Centuri Needs A Hero from Vulpes - A68549

Canaan Dog (8)
BOB - Rynnti Danse Manatee - A62109
BOS - Rynnti Got Found In A Dinosaur Wing - A64110

Chow Chow (Longhair) (6)
BOB - Toretto Lead You On - A65086
BOS - Prism's Tough Guy - A68912

Dalmatian (9)
BOB - Toretto Rule Time - A68576
BOS - Ebony of Kezia - A64732

Danish Swedish Farmdog (5)
BOB - LWH's Korsvej - A49972
BOS - ANC's Change the World - A66956

German Spitz ()
BOB - Sunhill's Mein Herz Brennt - A68769
BOS - Schokoladenfreude von Frostmourne - A55925

Japanese Akita (5)
BOB - Kamvis' AKEMI-CHAN - A68726
BOS - Kamvis' RYOUICHI-SAN - A68727

Lagotto Romagnolo (10)
BOB - Marcello of Kezia - A66991
BOS - Lakeshore's Dare I Try? - A67030

Lhasa Apso (9)
BOB - Flagrante's Carpe Jugulum - A68249
BOS - Grandeur Itty Bitty Dragon - A67575

Mutt (5)
BOB - NYNK's Riding The Waves - A63940
BOS - NYNK's Look In My Eyes - A60657

Peruvian Hairless Dog (Standard) (11)
BOB - Toretto Untamed - A68572
BOS - Vulpes Velox at Nova Blue - A62786

Shar Pei (10)
BOB - Rynnti Gray Ghost - A55591
BOS - GDK Sexy Sweet - A41295

Standard Poodle (8)
BOB - Vulpes Loveless Romance - A68381
BOS - Cato/Sunhill's Yesterday went to Your Heart - A58863

Tibetan Terrier (6)
BOB - Popcorn's Of The Mysterious East - A68233
BOS - Toretto Knockaround - A68596

Toy Poodle (5)
BOB - Cato's World on a Plate at UMZ - A61070
BOS - Cato's Bon Chance at Lakeshore - A60311

Xoloitzquintle (Miniature) (5)
BOB - Rynnti Beauty and Grace - A68306
BOS - Rynnti Rose and Myrtle - A68304


Aidi (5)
BOB - Santeria's Jinx Me Something Crazy - A67791
BOS - PrimRose's Keep 'Em Comin - A68782

Alaskan Malamute (14)
BOB - One of the Bad Boys at Samhradh - A68391
BOS - Shadowfox She Rules the World - A68134

BOB - UMZ Better Than You - A56605
BOS - Cambria Unsung Hero - A52626

Anatolian Shepherd Dog (9)
BOB - Rynnti Moonlight Dancer - A68583
BOS - Puerto Negro's Tecer Daglori - A64752

Boxer (15)
BOB - Britta vom Montego - A68340
BOS - CJM's Conan The Barbarian - A66501

BullMastiff (8)
BOB - Samhradh's It Must Stop - A54501
BOS - Toretto Down With The Sickness - A68765

Cane Corso (6)
BOB - InsanityKC's Forgotten Magic - A57788
BOS - Guardian's Ascoli Piceno - A68578

Dobermann (14)
BOB - Northshore Undercover Agent - A68265
BOS - Northshore Red Hot Cinders - A68264

Dogo Canario (7)
BOB - Guardian's Xinzo de Limia - A64284
BOS - Puerto Negro's Night Shadow in my Dream - A67910

Eurasier (8)
BOB - Bellestar's The Way I Rock - A68035
BOS - Popcorn's Mixing Emotion & Mystery - A64015

Great Dane (10)
BOB - ATHENA AGERO Ravengrov - A67835
BOS - Eq's Chewy Chippit - A61788

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (5)
BOB - Sunhill's Obwalden - A68766
BOS - Sunhill's Geneve - A68768

Leonberger (9)
BOB - Sunhill/DQK's Hot Rat - A64634
BOS - Cambria Living the Legacy - A64959

Mastiff (8)
BOB - Puerto Negro's Ginger Glazia - A67109
BOS - Tiberius of Kezia - A67101

Portuguese Water Dog (7)
BOB - Popcorn's Nimble One - A47571
BOS - Cafezinho of Kezia - A65199

Rottweiler (14)
BOB - Guardian's Pan Podziemi - A64901
BOS - Boheme Chrysanthemum Tea - A65750

Siberian Husky (10)
BOB - Providence Snow at Sunset - A65012
BOS - Bellestar's Fighting Moonlight - A68864

Spanish mastiff (5)
BOB - Soy Capitan de Fango - A63890
BOS - Bellestar's Hurry Up and Wait - A67605

St. Bernard (Longhair) (6)
BOB - Toretto Carry Me To Shadowfox - A62631
BOS - Camri You'sa Tough Guy, Eh? - A62745

Tibetan Mastiff (9)
BOB - Bankshot/Kuja's Shangri-la of Kamvis - A67394
BOS - GDK Trust Me - A62681

Feline 1

Birman (13)
BOB - Tartan's Gin Fizz - A60667
BOS - MT's Best Jester - A55942

Kurilian bobtail (Longhair) (6)
BOB - Novablue I'll Get You - A68523
BOS - Kurilian Country's Grey Islands - A64503

Maine Coon (7)
BOB - Kittie's Kiss of Fire - A57094
BOS - NYNK's Modern Madonna - A63978

Norwegian Forest Cat (6)
BOB - Nightwish' White Night Fantasy - A66789

Siberian (8)
BOB - Rynnti Mirage On Lake Baikal - A68894
BOS - Nightwish' Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart - A66816

Turkish Angora (10)
BOB - LightningStrike Blazing Sun - A68129
BOS - Child Of Sky at Fango - A63580

Turkish Van (6)
BOB - It's All About Winnie at Fango - A65487
BOS - Rebirth's Greeks Bearing Gifts - A65590

Feline 2

American Shorthair (5)
BOB - LWH's Floating Silver - A54780
BOS - LWH's Mother's Cat - A59446

Black and White Shorthair (8)
BOB - NB Running Down the Lakeshore - A68250
BOS - Shadowfox's I'm Better Than You - A64001

British Shorthair (13)
BOB - Viking's Vanilli Spot - A64874
BOS - seeAhTay's Playne as Day - A59682

Exotic (12)
BOB - Grandeur Tropical Nights - A54487
BOS - Grandeur Paper Tiger - A52298

Persian (12)
BOB - Gregarious Fellow of Grandeur - A44027
BOS - Grandeur Cloud Nine - A67880

Feline 3

Alley Cat (6)
BOB - NB/Paradigm's Fallen Bounty - A56608
BOS - NYNK's Making A Comeback - A60645

American Bobtail (8)
BOB - Vulpes Corner of Fourth and Freymont - A65450
BOS - Lakeshore's Horton Hears A Who - A64402

American Curl (7)
BOB - Viking's How 'Bout Them Cowgirls - A60022
BOS - Nightwish' Death Is In Love With Us - A66818

Cymric (9)
BOB - Tartan's Master of Ceremony - A60735
BOS - Vulpes Clarity - A60192

Manx (7)
BOB - Viking's Snowball - A61908
BOS - Nightwish' Aiheutuva Kuu - A65315

Munchkin (7)
BOB - LS No Control
BOS - LightningStrike After the Storm - A66405

Feline 4

Cornish Rex (6)
BOB - Fango's You Are The One - A67127
BOS - Rebirth's Day Old Hate - A65727

Devon Rex (5)
BOB - BCKC's Pillar of Creation - A57736
BOS - SWSK's Jump for It - A68269

La Perm (6)
BOB - Viking's Lulu Loopylocks - A65018
BOS - Junee's Dispels Your Anger - A63823

Peterbald (6)
BOB - I'm Your Godess at Fango - A65563
BOS - Daerlicht Ziggy Stardust - A68270

Selkirk Rex (8)
BOB - Side Effects at Fango - A65307
BOS - Viking's Black Sheep - A61853

Sphynx (9)
BOB - Popcorn's Updated Software - A63165
BOS - Eq's Puzzles - A65815

Feline 5

Abyssinian (11)
BOB - Vulpes Sexy Tunes - A67660
BOS - UMZ Winner Takes All - A68497

Balinese (6)
BOB - Nightwish' Stars In The Sky - A63783
BOS - Eq's Optometry - A65813

Siamese (10)
BOB - NYNK's Stubborn Puss - A61967
BOS - SeeAhTay's Step One - A60291

Somali (6)
BOB - Popcorn's Win Win Situation - A66860
BOS - Eq's Moon Party - A65879

Feline 6

American Havana Brown (5)
BOB - Rebel's Smoking That Cuban Cigarette - A66853
BOS - Nightwish' Cookie Addicted - A67256

Bengal (6)
BOB - Viking's Dhaka - A65019
BOS - Viking's Barisal - A65020

Nebelung (5)
BOB - La Gare de Cent Ans a LS - A65296
BOS - NDOSB's Mystery Matrix - A61838

Tiffanie (5)
BOB - Novablue Not A Lion - A67259


English Cocker Spaniel (3) - TS's Queen of Camelot - A67982
English Setter (4) - Fango Crossed In Love - A66751
German Shorhaired Pointer (2) - Reeva Rose of Gunhill - A63653
German Wirehaired Pointer (2) - Sunhill's Raues Gelande - A68856
Irish Red And White Setter (4) - Shadowfox/BC's Jitter Bug - A68896
Irish Water Spaniel (3) - Vulpes Belsunce Breakdown - A60751
Kooikerhondje (3) - Cambria Farmer's Song - A65447
Portuguese Pointer (3) - Fango's Best Starcatcher - A60409
Chart Polski (1) - Lakeshore's Arabian Princess - A68254
Deerhound (1) - Junee's Youthful Strength - A63807
Drever (2) - Fango's In The Saddle - A65439
Dunker (1) - LightningStrike From Space - A65036
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (1) - Chaotic's Salvia Divinorum - A65084
Irish Wolfhound (1) - Energy For Convenience - A61115
Pharaoh Hound (4) - Emblematic of Gunhill - A66190
Redbone Coonhound (4) - N/A
Sloughi (2) - N/A
Azores Cattle Dog (4) - N/A
Bearded Collie (2) - Toretto Wish It All Away - A66974
Bergamasco (4) - Kamvis' Montenero di Bisacci - A67860
Great Pyrenees (3) - Wildfyre's Storming The Castle - A51011
Iceland Dog (4) - Sunhill's Doppa Dora - A57306
Lancashire Heeler (4) - HWC Shout And Scream - A66703
Puli (3) - Cudley Duddley of Gunhill - A66915
White Shepherd (4) - Neptune of Gunhill - A66041
Dandie Dinmont Terrier (4) - PCK's The Lord of the Isles - A58146
Glen of Imaal Terrier (3) - Sunhill's Ship O'Hoy - A64140
Irish Terrier (4) - PrimRose's Sweet Talker - A65593
Japanese Terrier (4) - Fango Overdramatic - A64072
Miniature Schnauzer (4) - GDK Better With The Spray - A51593
Norfolk Terrier(4) - Tartan's Class Act - A61574
Norwhich Terrier(4) - Cambria Fantasy and Delusion - A64165
Patterdale Terrier (2) - Fango Fell In Love - A62062
Scottish Terrier (3) - NYNK's Run If You Can - A62021
Skye Terrier (3) - Junee's Fake Currency - A64347
Affenpinscher (4) - Chaotic's Action Sequence - A64950
Chihuahua (Shorthair) (1) - NYNK's Mind Illusion - A62235
Chinese Crested (4) - Fango's Suyin - A65225
Havanese (4) - Lakeshore's Sweeney Todd - A59960
Maltese (2) - Fango Close Up and Down - A67301
Pekingese (3) - Tzu Ti Tang of Kezia - A64714
Pug (4) - Energy's Last Message - A66024
Russian Toy (4) - Fango's Fire - A65562
Volpino Italiano (4) - Fango So White - A65070
Keeshond (4) - Hot Chilli Pepper of Kezia - A62121
Miniature Poodle (2) - Magic Moments of Kezia - A67572
Schipperke (4) - Northshore Sweet Embrace - A68263
Shiba Inu (4) - Energy Switching Souls - A61210
Tibetan Spaniel (2) - Bramblewood's Orange You Glad - A63423
Appenzell Mountain Dog (2) - Fango's Best For Summer - A68620
Bernese Mountain Dog (4) - Providence Lets Walk to DragonStone - A68928
Black Russian Terrier (2) - Lakeshore's Black Gold - A68532
Central Asian Ovtcharka (3) - Jushmigel of Kezia - A65270
Dogo Argentino (2) - Fango Gentle Wisdom - A59484
Greenland dog (3) - Toretto Unwritten Rundown - A65338
Hovawart (4) - Toretto Breaking Through It - A65293
Karst Shepherd Dog (4) - Eq's Go Veg - A65844
Landseer (4) - Courtney'z Here Lizard,Lizard,Lizard - A52096
Newfoundland (3) - Puerto Negro/Niuff's Na Nanana Nana - A67815
Pyrenean Mastiff (3) - Puerto Negro's Familia Alarto Verto - A67816
Standard Schnauzer (2) - Lakeshore's Criminal Act - A57453
Tatra Shepherd Dog (2) - Kamvis' HARNAŚ - A66700
Tosa Inu (4) - ANC's Come What May - A67385

Ragdoll (3) - N/A
Sokoke (4) - Imperial's Criminal Intent - A50553
Calico (4) - Vixen's Hit List - A68719
Chartreux (4) - Rebirth's Sacred Order - A67355
Tabby (4) - Nightwish' Eye Of The Tiger - A66803
Japanese Bobtail (4) - Information Driven at Fango - A65305
Orange Shorthair (3) - NYNK's Fuzzy Maraca - A62057
American Wirehair (4) - Nightwish' Burning Bridges - A66785
Oriental Longhair (4) - Imperial's This Is Me - A50734
Oriental Shorthair (2) - Imperial's White As Sour Cream - A50552
Seychellois (4) - Lakeshore's Regal Name - A49938
Singapura (2) - Viking's Classing Up - A62073
Bombay (3) - Grandeur Local Lore - A51075
Ojos azules (2) - Nova Blue Jungle Stalker - A63197
Snowshoe (2) - N/A