
Calamari says "eww dog germs!"


Catfish by the sea...

Taken June 9th, 2008


Garden pix

Heirloom tomato seedlings - from twelve seeds stared in march > ten sprouts after two weeks > these three 2 1/2 " survivors. The tallest one is a double.

window box - sugar snap peas on the outside flanked by morning glories seedlings, ginger(not sprouted - an experiment), forget - me - nots on inside. round white pot - nasturtiums
The vegetable garden. See below for labels

Cucumbers are "calypso", carrots are purple dragon, eggplants are traditional & ghostbuster. peas are sugar snap I think. plans are:
1. Fix the fence! We have a ground hog now :( Catfish wants to eat it, but I don't want her to get herself maimed in the process.
2. get netting & construct a cage for the strawberries to keep the squirrels out.
3. put up string for the beans/peas to climb

baby lettuce



The first strawberry that is almost ripe!

green beans that I need to put up strings for...

hedge o' strawberries

front garden. don't feel like labeling. plans:
1. transplant phlox to side garden
2. cut daffodils when brown/yellowed

peony buds

unknown native(I think) plant. it's like an upright lambs' ear, with bright pink blooms. it spreads like crazy.

Side garden. See below for labels.

Same on each side. My current plans are :
1. moving some phlox form the font garden and planting them around the egdes.
2. Putting some morning glories(or other climber) in the back.
3. If I can find a home for those extra eggplants(want some?), putting some mint in their pace. Which will be contained in some way, so it doesn't take over everything.
4. Trim back the cherry tree overhead.

*Poppies are California Twister. Packet :

Unknown silvery plant, that came from a neighbors leaf pile. After I find out what it is I'll decide where to put it.
Unknown ground cover plant

Lemon balm(that is overtaking the pot!) and basil seedlings

Being beautiful is hard work!



The garden is doing very well. The strawberry plants are _covered_ in little white berries, shouldn't be too until long they're ripe I hope!

These are the various things that are in the vegetable garden

Patty Pan Squash
Straightneck Summer Squash
Hubbard Squash
Roma Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
Pumpkins(came up from one that got stuck in over the winter)
Green beans
Sugar Snap Peas
Purple Carrots
Brussels Sprouts
Eggplant, purple
Eggplant, ghoustbuster(white) variety. If anyone wants some, let me know(I have 6 or so extra)!
Calypso Cucumber
Other wild/cutting flowers

And I am off to take pictures!


Todays photos

Catfish May 26th, 2007 (1 year 9 months)

Catfish today, June 2nd, 2008 (2 years 9 months)

Singin' the blues

Beach Photos, 2008-05-28

Can you spot the two plovers(birds)?