

Some water colours first

Brindle basenji boy portrait, 9X12 April 2008. Really pleased with this one... Love the whiskers, wrinkles and stripes especially.
Wire Fox Terrier portrait, 9X12 January 2008. Thought this came out really cute, even if I did try to use them like oils a bit.

Sadie(big black dog), Bosco(merle/white corgi/sheltie), Lizzy(tan), Ivy(himi), Austin(tan/white), Foxy(brown torbie/white) & Mojo(black). Commission for Umz. Outlined, 9X12 January 2008
"Gracie" aka DC Dark Skies Morgans Grace SC FCh LCX, 9X12, April 2008

And, a couple others.

Tessie the English Springer. Commission for Cabaret. Chalk, pencil, pen, marker, sealed, 9x12 January 2008. Thought it came out nice, except the chalk went everywhere. Really don't know why I used chalk.
Basenjis, markers, 9x12 January 2008

April Showers

I guess it's good that it's raining, anyway. On the news last week they said that the fire level was very high for southern maine.

Goals for today-
Put stuff away in kitchen
Do edging on Cat's new pack, at least
Work on Mouse food*

*I'm trying to come up with a kibble/lab block food for them. I don't like any of the lab blocks out there, and while dog food supplemented with bones, kitten food and seed is okay... it's dog food, not mouse food you know?

Oh, and my new boy is tentatively named Calamari



She was a very, very good girl yesterday. We'd already been to the park, but I took her on a woods walk after we got back. I figured since she was tiered it'd be a great time to work on off leash skills. So, we were about 1/3 of the way along the trail, her off leash, everything great... When I started having chest pains. She came running over, and I was able to hook her leash on, have her help me up- told her it was "work time" and to take me home- And she did! Pulled me along allll the way- backtracked the trail, over the train tacks, down the street, across the road, and up the stairs! I am very proud of my girl, especially since we haven't worked on that task very much. Pretending to be show dog, at 2.5 years old, 21" tall by 21.5" long, 38 lbs

Saying "it's to cold out here!"(btw, it was 55 degrees out when I took this!)

Tiny , but I thought she looked cute here

At the dog park, playing nice. The Berner is Lexie, who is great and makes me want a berner! The tri aussie/rott is Zeus. I don't remember who the lab is, Catfish wasn't terribly impressed with him.

This is my new boy. He is a blazed broken black/tan, standard coat. He is super cute, with a lovely rounded nose(think bull terrier) that I love love love. Nice eyes, tail and he's a good size. I am a sucker for blazes, and he has a nice symmetrical one... he's actually my first (visibly) blazed mouse, if you can believe that!

I don't know what to call him. I'm thinking something with a C... I was going to go with Cisco, BUT I kind of what something with a food theme. Crisco?

Can't forget Archer! Who's turned out to be a merle (chocolate/fox merle), albeit a muddy one. Who is 10-ish months now(born June 2007). And his new cage, I use a bin designed for filing/office use and it's worked out great.

Opal, 5 month? old doe. Very classy girl, very dark black coat with pretty eyes and good lines. Acts classy too... Well, most of the time.

Pickle. Twin sister to Olive (6/07-10/07). Adorable but doesn't like people at all anymore.

Boys lined up, waiting for diner. L-R, Tact, Linus, Pie, Gumbo


Have I ever mentioned I hate ants?

Well, I do, I do.

This will have to do for the moment. Now, it is time to go feed Catfish and rodents.