
Chocolate Avocado Mug Cake

A variation of the popular 5 min cake-in-a-mug

4 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons sugar(or less)
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 tsp baking powder
3 tablespoons mashed avocado
3 tablespoons milk + 1 tsp vinegar or lemon juce
1 tablespoon water

Mix avocado, water, milk and vinegar/juice; set aside. In a microwave safe mug mix the remaining ingredients. Stir avocado-milk mixture into flour mixture and stir well. Microwave for about 2 mins- I suggest placing the mug on a saucer just in case. Enjoy!

You can also mix some avocado, powdered sugar, and lime juice together to use as frosting.


Conf - Minor - Lime Green Flamingos - 2 - Aug-13-08

Lime Green Flamingos
Show Number 2
Show Closing Date - 13-AUG-08

Final Winners

Dogz(Total Entry1499)

BIS - NYNK's Mind Illusion - A62235 (Chihuahua (Shorthair)) (1498)
BW - Samhradh Written In Lipstick - A68403 (Sussex Spaniel) (1380)
RW - Sunhill's Doppa Dora - A57306 (Iceland Dog) (1124)
W1 - Sunhill's Acucar e Creme - A60169 (Portuguese Podengo (Miniature)) (766)
W2 - Rynnti Beauty and Grace - A68306 (Xoloitzquintle (Miniature)) (525)

Also in WC: Kamvis' Highly Visible - A66729 (Fox Terrier (Smooth)) (385), Sunhill/DQK's Hot Rat - A64634 (Leonberger) (219)

Catz (Total Entry 292)

BIS - Nightwish' White Night Fantasy - A66789 (Norwegian Forest Cat) (292)
BW - Novablue Not A Lion - A67259 (Tiffanie) (230)
RW - Grandeur Tropical Nights - A54487 (Exotic) (203)
W1 - NYNK's Stubborn Puss - A61967 (Siamese) (142)
W2 - Viking's Lulu Loopylocks - A65018 (La Perm) (96)

Also in WC: LS No Control (Munchkin (Shorhair)) (48)

Group Winners

Gundog | Also Shortlisted: German Wirehaired Pointer (251), Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (250), Bracco Italiano (249), Field Spaniel (248)
1 - Samhradh Written In Lipstick - A68403 (Sussex Spaniel) (255)
2 - PrimRose's Surprisingly Crazy - A68191 (Weimaraner) (254)
3 - Reeva Rose of Gunhill - A63653 (Irish Setter) (253)
4 - Fango Baile Átha Cliath - A68621 (German Shorhaired Pointer) (252)

Hound | Also Shortlisted: American Foxhound (236), Black and Tan Coonhound (235), Borzoi (234), Ibzian Hound(Wirehair) (233)
1 - Sunhill's Acucar e Creme - A60169 (Portuguese Podengo (Miniature)) (240)
2 - Rynnti Lady of the Stars - A68103 (Galgo Espanol) (239)
3 - Chaotic's Salvia Divinorum - A65084 (Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen) (238)
4 - Sunhill's Anahita Ratebzad - A68688 (Afghan Hound) (237)

Pastoral | Also Shortlisted: Swedish Vallhund (353), Australian Shepherd (352), Catalan Sheepdog (351), Estrela Mountain Dog (350),Bouvier des Flandres (349), Croatian Sheepdog (348)
1 - Sunhill's Doppa Dora - A57306 (Iceland Dog) (357)
2 - Regal's A Year On An Airplane - A42462 (Belgian Shepherd (Laekenois)) (356)
3 - BG's Dee Oh Gee - A68415 (Collie (Rough)) (355)
4 - Santeria's Strange Big Moon - A67945 (Schapendoes) (354)

Terrier | Also Shortlisted: Parson Russell Terrier (161), Bull Terrier (160)
1 - Kamvis' Highly Visible - A66729 (Fox Terrier (Smooth)) (165)
2 - Cambria Promise Me - A63775 (American Staffordshire Terrier) (164)
3 - Energy's Unmailed Letters - A65891 (Bedlington Terrier) (163)
4 - Junee's Fake Currency - A64347 (Skye Terrier) (162)

Toy | Also Shortlisted: Chinese Crested (113), Miniature Pinscher (112), Havanese (111), Volpino Italiano (110), Yorkshire Terrier (109), Papillon (Phalene) (108), Papillon (Papillon) (107)
1 - NYNK's Mind Illusion - A62235 (Chihuahua (Shorthair)) (117)
2 - Moonlight Serenade of Kezia - A64718 (Pomeranian) (116)
3 - Rampant Noble and Just - A49191 (Lowchen) (115)
4 - Cambria Cafe au Lait - A54183 (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) (114)

Utility | Also Shortlisted: Peruvian Hairless Dog (Standard)(135), German Spitz(Mittelspitz)(134), Tibetan Spaniel (133)
1 - Rynnti Beauty and Grace - A68306 (Xoloitzquintle (Miniature)) (139)
2 - Kamvis' AKEMI-CHAN - A68726 (Japanese Akita) (138)
3 - Flagrante's Carpe Jugulum - A68249 (Lhasa Apso) (137)
4 - Rynnti Danse Manatee - A62109 (Canaan Dog) (136)

Working | Also Shortlisted: Standard Schnauzer (215), Dogo Canario (214), Dobermann (213), Boxer (212), American Bulldog (211), Central Asian Ovtcharka (210)
1 - Sunhill/DQK's Hot Rat - A64634 (Leonberger) (219)
2 - Kamvis' HARNAŚ - A66700 (Tatra Shepherd Dog) (218)
3 - Providence Snow at Sunset - A65012 (Siberian Husky) (217)
4 - One of the Bad Boys at Samhradh - A68391 (Alaskan Malamute) (216)

Feline 1 | Also Shortlisted: None
1 - Nightwish' White Night Fantasy - A66789 (Norwegian Forest Cat) (61)
2 - Rynnti Mirage On Lake Baikal - A68894 (Siberian) (60)
3 - LightningStrike Blazing Sun - A68129 (Turkish Angora) (58)
4 - N/A

Feline 2 | Also Shortlisted: None
1 - Grandeur Tropical Nights - A54487 (Exotic) (60)
2 - NB Running Down the Lakeshore - A68250 (Black and White Shorthair) (59)
3 - Nightwish' Eye Of The Tiger - A66803 (Tabby) (58)
4 - Gregarious Fellow of Grandeur - A44027 (Persian) (57)

Feline 3 | Also Shortlisted: Manx (43), American Bobtail(Shorthair)(42)
1 - LS No Control (Munchkin (Shorhair)) (48)
2 - NB/Paradigm's Fallen Bounty - A56608 (Alley Cat) (47)
3 - Viking's How 'Bout Them Cowgirls - A60022 (American Curl(Longhair)) (46)
4 - NYNK's Fuzzy Maraca - A62057 (Orange Shorthair) (44)

Feline 4 | Also Shortlisted: None
1 - Viking's Lulu Loopylocks - A65018 (La Perm) (47)
2 - Popcorn's Updated Software - A63165 (Sphynx) (46)
3 - Nightwish' Burning Bridges - A66785 (American Wirehair) (45)
4 - I'm Your Godess at Fango - A65563 (Peterbald) (44)

Feline 5 | Also Shortlisted: Oriental Longhair (41)
1 - NYNK's Stubborn Puss - A61967 (Siamese) (44)
2 - Nightwish' Stars In The Sky - A63783 (Balinese) (44)
3 - Popcorn's Win Win Situation - A66860 (Somali) (43)
4 - Vulpes Sexy Tunes - A67660 (Abyssinian) (42)

Feline 6 | Also Shortlisted: None
1 - Novablue Not A Lion - A67259 (Tiffanie) (26)
2 - Rebel's Smoking That Cuban Cigarette - A66853 (Bengal) (25)
3 - Viking's Dhaka - A65019 (Bengal) (24)
4 - La Gare de Cent Ans a LS - A65296 (Nebelung) (23)

Breed Winners


American Cocker Spaniel (15)
BOB - ADK'S Sideways Glance - A67689
BOS - Cargo's Typical Cavalier - A65536

Bracco Italiano (5)
BOB - Roxxy's Thinkin' Romance at Samhradh - A66851
BOS - Roxxy's Shakin' It Up at Samhradh - A65481

Brittany (7)
BOB - Bayfront Where's My Bonnie? - A59065
BOS - ADK'S Little Pinpin - A67863

Chesapeake Bay Retriever (10)
BOB - Shadowfox When Darkness Turns to Light - A67069
BOS - Shadowfox A Shard of DragonStone - A68351

Clumber Spaniel (9)
BOB - Vulpes French Ballerina - A68408
BOS - Cargo's Songs in My Head - A65553

Curly Coated Retriver (13)
BOB - Shadowfox's Computer Crash - A63927
BOS - ADK'S Chocolate Indulgence - A67806

English Pointer (7)
BOB - Santeria's On the Road to Ruin - A68742
BOS - Cargo's To Let You Shine - A65787

English Springer Spaniel (14)
BOB - ADK'S In Loving Memory - A61670
BOS - Toretto The Road Not Taken - A65186

Field Spaniel (12)
BOB - Bayfront Rev My Engine - A68370
BOS - ADK'S Spring Of The Field - A67824

Flat Coated Retriver (10)
BOB - Toretto Better Off Without You - A68443
BOS - ADK'S Gunna Be A Star - A68844

German Longhaired Pointer (5)
BOB - Sunhill's Waldnymphe - A60062
BOS - Das Best of Gunhill - A65372

German Wachtelhund (6)
BOB - Kaulike's Book Worm of Lakeshore - A66499
BOS - Samhradh's Dr. Howser - A67170

Golden Retriever (9)
BOB - Palmetto's Quest For Sunshine - A66845
BOS - Karmount For Your Entertainment - A51208

Hungarian vizsla (9 Shorthair 1 Wirehair)
BOB - Lua Azul's/Lakeshore's Maradj Velem of Teacup - A58935
BOS - Klassz Innocent One - A66062

Irish Setter (13)
BOB - Fango Baile Átha Cliath - A68621
BOS - Cambria The Irish Star - A68276

Korthals Griffon (12)
BOB - Toretto Get Me Through - A66702
BOS - Lakeshore's Dances With Wolves - A66535

Labrador Retriever (6)
BOB - TS's Tangled Web - A68309
BOS - Wish/Jailbreak's Heart of a Lion - A68118

Large Munsterlander (5)
BOB - Santeria's In With the Out Crowd - A67946
BOS - Bombyx of Gunhill - A63748

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (5)
BOB - Cambria Ocean Breeze - A61253
BOS - Cambria Race Against Time - A61254

Small Munsterlander (7)
BOB - Eq's The Little Mermaid - A65615
BOS - Eq's Simba's Pride - A65587

Spinone Italiano (12)
BOB - FAB's We The Ruthless - A65345
BOS - FAB's Selfish Sympathy - A65343

Sussex Spaniel (8)
BOB - Samhradh Written In Lipstick - A68403
BOS - Toretto What You Wish For - A67578

Weimaraner (11)
BOB - PrimRose's Surprisingly Crazy - A68191
BOS - ADK'S Silky Skies - A67738

Welsh Springer Spaniel (12)
BOB - Teacup's Black Jack at Shadowfox - A64102
BOS - Shadowfox's Hollywood Bound - A64011

Wetterhoun (9)
BOB - Chaotic's Ship Eater - A63636
BOS - Cambria Soft as Clay - A64578


Australian Kelpie (15)
BOB - ANC's Gail Force Winds - A66981
BOS - DeeOhGee's With Two Olives - A60478

Australian Shepherd (21)
BOB - Cambria After the Storm - A67470
BOS - Kamvis' Dazzling Superstar - A67476

Belgian Shepherd (22) ( 1 Groenendael 6 Laekenois 10 Malinois 4 Tervueren)
BOB - Regal's A Year On An Airplane - A42462
BOS - Guardian's Gotowa na Wszystko - A65874

Border Collie (18)
BOB - BG's Arpeggio - A68680
BOS - Jail Break's Black and Blue - A61208

Bouvier des Ardennes (10)
BOB - Toretto Know Your Name - A68425
BOS - Cher Serendipity of Gunhill - A62119

Bouvier des Flandres (18)
BOB - Wildfyre's Harmonica of Samhradh - A51374
BOS - ADK'S Black Sails - A68049

Briard (6)
BOB - Sh's Good Intent - A58560
BOS - Toretto Running Out Of Hope - A66701

Cardigan Welsh Corgi (5)
BOB - HWC Almost Lover of Kamvis - A61874
BOS - HWC This Is My Now - A68547

Catahoula Leopard Dog (12)
BOB - DeeOhGee's Mighty Hectate at GDK - A60085
BOS - Vixen's Master Of Disguise - A68759

Catalan Sheepdog (6)
BOB - Novablue No Go Mister - A66238
BOS - Nova Blue The Prophecy of Shadowfox - A66248

Collie (Rough) (5)
BOB - BG's Dee Oh Gee - A68415
BOS - Toretto Let The Fear Grow - A65993

Collie (Smooth) (5)
BOB - Novablue Moment of Truth - A68253

Croatian Sheepdog (6)
BOB - Rynnti Return To Cookie Mountain - A66542
BOS - Kamvis' Late Night Lover - A66596

Dutch Shepherd Dog (3 Longhair 9 Shorthair)
BOB - ADK'S Hot Coco - A68043
BOS - Santeria's Crimson and Clover - A68723

English Shepherd (13)
BOB - Bellestar's Preening Pixie - A66823
BOS - Santeria's Watching Back to the Future - A67742

Estrela Mountain Dog (5)
BOB - Puerto Negro's Esti - A64742
BOS - Puerto Negro's Castor Oesto - A66349

Finnish Lapphund (7)
BOB - Popcorn's Light of the Moon - A42697
BOS - Bellestar's Supreme Mugwump - A66825

German Shepherd Dog (17)
BOB - Eq's Money Hungry - A63593
BOS - Northshore Elixir of Life - A65377

Lapponian herder (9)
BOB - Fango Runs Like Lightening - A68518
BOS - Bellestar's When the Truth Is - A67932

Maremma Sheepdog (7)
BOB - Lakeshore's Something In My Drink at UMZ - A68848
BOS - Santeria's Boom! She Said - A68755

Mudi (12)
BOB - Voodoo Child of Gunhill - A64459
BOS - Rocky Road to LightningStrike - A62952

Norwegian Buhund (16)
BOB - ADK'S Release The Lion - A68190
BOS - Fango Every Time We Fall - A66764

Old English Sheepdog (8)
BOB - Courtney'z Venido a sus Sentidos - A67801
BOS - NYNK's Long Trip To You - A62041

Pembroke Welsh Corgi (10)
BOB - Chaotic's Twoo WuvA66758
BOS - Chaotic's Very Put Out - A65083

Polish Lowland Sheepdog (11)
BOB - Kamvis' Z Zimowego Gwiazdozbioru - A67852
BOS - Cargo's Savanna Grounds - A65636

Pumi (8)
BOB - Popcorn's Bronze Age - A48372
BOS - Junee's Gifted Shepherd - A67146

Schapendoes (7)
BOB - Santeria's Strange Big Moon - A67945
BOS - Santeria's On the Road - A67944

Shetland Sheepdog (24)
BOB - BG's Black Wing - A68681
BOS - Shadowfox's Where Is Snoopy - A64470

Swedish Lapphund (10)
BOB - Novablue Sommarhetta - A68252
BOS - Santeria's Minor Threat - A68589

Swedish Vallhund (7)
BOB - ADK'S Born Free - A68147
BOS - Sunhill's The Vind is Vanding - A68745


Afghan Hound (5)
BOB - Sunhill's Anahita Ratebzad - A68688
BOS - Flash Harry of Gunhill - A63973

American Foxhound (12)
BOB - DeeOhGee's Makin' Moonshine - A68906
BOS - Sunhill's Slowfox - A68855

Azawakh (5)
BOB - Shadowfox Orange Streak - A67766
BOS - Fango Building Huts - A67473

Basenji (5)
BOB - Cato's Modern Cliche - A51426

Basset Hound (9)
BOB - Jailbreak's Friend of a Fox - A68767
BOS - Courtney'z Delightful Delicacy - A59188

Beagle (8)
BOB - Lakeshore/Shadowfox's Here I Stand - A67695
BOS - Cambria The Midas Touch - A68298

Black and Tan Coonhound (6)
BOB - Vento de Espero's Nobodys Listening - A68143
BOS - Vento de Espero's Breaking The Habit - A68140

Bloodhound (11)
BOB - Toretto Taken In Faith - A68545
BOS - Dedicate To The Dead of Gunhill - A61845

Bluetick Coonhound (6)
BOB - Lakeshore's Misty Blue - A30494
BOS - Lakeshore's Blue Devil - A30409

Borzoi (11)
BOB - Eq's Poptart - A65987
BOS - Jack in the Box at LightningStrike - A64505

Cirneco Dell'Etna (7)
BOB - Popcorn's Piercing Silence - A67576
BOS - Popcorn's Very Last Dime - A60615

Dachshund (2 Longhair 3 Shorthair 6 Wirehair)
BOB - Toretto Love To Hate It - A63414
BOS - Toretto No Crime Here - A68444

Galgo Espanol (8)
BOB - Rynnti Lady of the Stars - A68103
BOS - Rynnti Lord of the Skies - A68102

Greyhound (7)
BOB - Jesse James of Gunhill - A64158
BOS - Jail Break's Ghost - A61040

Ibzian Hound (3 Shorthair 2 Wirehair)
BOB - LS Who Is He? - A66286
BOS - Jailbreak's Follow You Down Lake - A68101

Karelian Bear Dog (10)
BOB - ERK's Son of Sir Percy - A51440
BOS - Static's French Seasonings - A42289

Norrbottenspets (5)
BOB - Toretto Nothing Like The Past - A67628

Norwegian Elkhound (11)
BOB - Sunhill's Huldra - A57407
BOS - Fango Dirty Snow - A67306

Norwegian Elkhound Black (6)
BOB - Fango's Ethereal Melody - A64150
BOS - Fango Dog Star - A66849

Otterhound (8)
BOB - ADK'S The Good Old Days - A68013
BOS - Junee's It's Goblin Spelled Backwards! - A63620

Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (6)
BOB - Cambria Star's Hollow - A68273
BOS - Bellestar's Beedle the Bard - A67520

Plott (12)
BOB - Shadowfox/Bramblewood Sing A Campfire Song - A68862
BOS - Rocco of Gunhill - A65692

Portuguese Podengo (Miniature) (7)
BOB - Sunhill's Acucar e Creme - A60169
BOS - Flagrante Snatched From Death - A68559

Saluki (Longhair) (5)
BOB - Onesto's Something Better - A58658

Segugio Italiano (5)
BOB - NB Pezza Di Patata - A66883
BOS - Fango Sweet Victory - A66224

Treeing Walker Coonhound (10)
BOB - ADK'S lemonade And Ice - A68020
BOS - ADK'S On The Lookout - A68021

West Siberian Laika (8)
BOB - SWSKs Southern Cross - A44062
BOS - Bellestar's Amos the Phrophet - A67599

Whippet (14)
BOB - Cambria Prayer for the Refugee - A62247
BOS - ADK'S Stand Out From The Crowd - A68000


Airedale Terrier (7)
BOB - FAB's Beautifully Broken - A56513
BOS - Mischeif Maker of Kezia - A65465

American Staffordshire Terrier (11)
BOB - Northshore Free Spirit
BOS - Vulpes Hey Johnny - A67658

Bedlington Terrier (6)
BOB - Energy's Unmailed Letters - A65891
BOS - Energy's Empty Hearts & Secret Tears - A65800

Brazilian Terrier (6)
BOB - Popcorn's Ready To Rumble - A47963
BOS - Popcorn's Echoes In My Head - A47873

Bull Terrier (6)
BOB - Sebastian of Kezia - A64537
BOS - Bright Spark of Kezia - A64598

Cesky Terrier (7)
BOB - Tartan's Vintage Lace - A68882
BOS - Tartan's Nirvana - A68883

Fox Terrier (10)
BOB - Kamvis' Highly Visible - A66729
BOS - Kamvis' Well To Do - A66713

Jack Russell Terrier (10)
BOB - Sunhill's Snow White - A43892
BOS - Aiedail Furry Hero at NB - A63303

Kerry Blue Terrier (11)
BOB - Irresistable at Kezia - A66962
BOS - Sunhill's Leannan of Providence - A63444

Lakeland Terrier (8)
BOB - Cambria Stone Roses - A62138
BOS - Cambria Cumberland Straight - A62140

Parson Russell Terrier (6)
BOB - Cambria Caught Red Handed - A51616
BOS - Picturesque of Kezia - A61996

Rat Terrier (8)
BOB - BG's Bloody Mary - A68437
BOS - BG's Mime - A68642

Sealyham Terrier (8)
BOB - Lakeshore's Smile Please - A47108
BOS - Lakeshore's The Great Sealyham Caper - A49677

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (13)
BOB - ADK'S Flying Dutchman - A68919
BOS - Lakeshore's Street Fighter - A64219

Staffordshire Bull Terrier (10)
BOB - Cambria Promise Me - A63775
BOS - Max A Million Thanx at Kezia - A61904

Welsh Terrier (5)
BOB - Fango It's Been Ten Years - A66855
BOS - Fango Thursday Next - A66854


Alaskan Klee Kai (6)
BOB - Rynnti Sun of the Sea - A68474
BOS - Shadowfox Don't Underestimate Me - A66465

Bolognese (6)
BOB - FAB's Just Another Chipper - A66024
BOS - VPZ Innocent Secret - A38751

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (12)
BOB - Cambria Cafe au Lait - A54183
BOS - Lakeshore's I Wish Tonight - A59958

English Toy Spaniel (6)
BOB - Luxxar's Chinese Numbers - A68296
BOS - Luxxar's Noble Prince of Grandeur - A65057

Griffon (10)
BOB - Sunhill's Hot Dang - A64387
BOS - PrimRose's Small Town Charm - A64884

Lowchen (7)
BOB - Rampant Noble and Just - A49191
BOS - Rampant Watch Your Pocket - A49197

Miniature Pinscher (8)
BOB - Roxxy's Better With A Pen - A60758
BOS - PrimRose Bad Intentions - A67642

Papillon (Papillon) (5)
BOB - Toretto Thick As Thieves - A68428
BOS - Toretto Sentence Me - A68427

Papillon (Phalene) (7)
BOB - Moonlight Serenade of Kezia - A64718

Pomeranian (6)
BOB - Moonlight Serenade of Kezia - A64718
BOS - PrimRose's Hey Jealousy - A68627

Shih Tzu (9)
BOB - BG's Gold - A68641
BOS - GDK Up Stream - A47048

Yorkshire Terrier (5)
BOB - Cargo's Marie Claudette - A65612
BOS - Cargo's The Rich Life - A65613


American Akita (7)
BOB - Boheme Big Spender - A65717
BOS - Centuri Needs A Hero from Vulpes - A68549

Canaan Dog (8)
BOB - Rynnti Danse Manatee - A62109
BOS - Rynnti Got Found In A Dinosaur Wing - A64110

Chow Chow (Longhair) (6)
BOB - Toretto Lead You On - A65086
BOS - Prism's Tough Guy - A68912

Dalmatian (9)
BOB - Toretto Rule Time - A68576
BOS - Ebony of Kezia - A64732

Danish Swedish Farmdog (5)
BOB - LWH's Korsvej - A49972
BOS - ANC's Change the World - A66956

German Spitz ()
BOB - Sunhill's Mein Herz Brennt - A68769
BOS - Schokoladenfreude von Frostmourne - A55925

Japanese Akita (5)
BOB - Kamvis' AKEMI-CHAN - A68726
BOS - Kamvis' RYOUICHI-SAN - A68727

Lagotto Romagnolo (10)
BOB - Marcello of Kezia - A66991
BOS - Lakeshore's Dare I Try? - A67030

Lhasa Apso (9)
BOB - Flagrante's Carpe Jugulum - A68249
BOS - Grandeur Itty Bitty Dragon - A67575

Mutt (5)
BOB - NYNK's Riding The Waves - A63940
BOS - NYNK's Look In My Eyes - A60657

Peruvian Hairless Dog (Standard) (11)
BOB - Toretto Untamed - A68572
BOS - Vulpes Velox at Nova Blue - A62786

Shar Pei (10)
BOB - Rynnti Gray Ghost - A55591
BOS - GDK Sexy Sweet - A41295

Standard Poodle (8)
BOB - Vulpes Loveless Romance - A68381
BOS - Cato/Sunhill's Yesterday went to Your Heart - A58863

Tibetan Terrier (6)
BOB - Popcorn's Of The Mysterious East - A68233
BOS - Toretto Knockaround - A68596

Toy Poodle (5)
BOB - Cato's World on a Plate at UMZ - A61070
BOS - Cato's Bon Chance at Lakeshore - A60311

Xoloitzquintle (Miniature) (5)
BOB - Rynnti Beauty and Grace - A68306
BOS - Rynnti Rose and Myrtle - A68304


Aidi (5)
BOB - Santeria's Jinx Me Something Crazy - A67791
BOS - PrimRose's Keep 'Em Comin - A68782

Alaskan Malamute (14)
BOB - One of the Bad Boys at Samhradh - A68391
BOS - Shadowfox She Rules the World - A68134

BOB - UMZ Better Than You - A56605
BOS - Cambria Unsung Hero - A52626

Anatolian Shepherd Dog (9)
BOB - Rynnti Moonlight Dancer - A68583
BOS - Puerto Negro's Tecer Daglori - A64752

Boxer (15)
BOB - Britta vom Montego - A68340
BOS - CJM's Conan The Barbarian - A66501

BullMastiff (8)
BOB - Samhradh's It Must Stop - A54501
BOS - Toretto Down With The Sickness - A68765

Cane Corso (6)
BOB - InsanityKC's Forgotten Magic - A57788
BOS - Guardian's Ascoli Piceno - A68578

Dobermann (14)
BOB - Northshore Undercover Agent - A68265
BOS - Northshore Red Hot Cinders - A68264

Dogo Canario (7)
BOB - Guardian's Xinzo de Limia - A64284
BOS - Puerto Negro's Night Shadow in my Dream - A67910

Eurasier (8)
BOB - Bellestar's The Way I Rock - A68035
BOS - Popcorn's Mixing Emotion & Mystery - A64015

Great Dane (10)
BOB - ATHENA AGERO Ravengrov - A67835
BOS - Eq's Chewy Chippit - A61788

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (5)
BOB - Sunhill's Obwalden - A68766
BOS - Sunhill's Geneve - A68768

Leonberger (9)
BOB - Sunhill/DQK's Hot Rat - A64634
BOS - Cambria Living the Legacy - A64959

Mastiff (8)
BOB - Puerto Negro's Ginger Glazia - A67109
BOS - Tiberius of Kezia - A67101

Portuguese Water Dog (7)
BOB - Popcorn's Nimble One - A47571
BOS - Cafezinho of Kezia - A65199

Rottweiler (14)
BOB - Guardian's Pan Podziemi - A64901
BOS - Boheme Chrysanthemum Tea - A65750

Siberian Husky (10)
BOB - Providence Snow at Sunset - A65012
BOS - Bellestar's Fighting Moonlight - A68864

Spanish mastiff (5)
BOB - Soy Capitan de Fango - A63890
BOS - Bellestar's Hurry Up and Wait - A67605

St. Bernard (Longhair) (6)
BOB - Toretto Carry Me To Shadowfox - A62631
BOS - Camri You'sa Tough Guy, Eh? - A62745

Tibetan Mastiff (9)
BOB - Bankshot/Kuja's Shangri-la of Kamvis - A67394
BOS - GDK Trust Me - A62681

Feline 1

Birman (13)
BOB - Tartan's Gin Fizz - A60667
BOS - MT's Best Jester - A55942

Kurilian bobtail (Longhair) (6)
BOB - Novablue I'll Get You - A68523
BOS - Kurilian Country's Grey Islands - A64503

Maine Coon (7)
BOB - Kittie's Kiss of Fire - A57094
BOS - NYNK's Modern Madonna - A63978

Norwegian Forest Cat (6)
BOB - Nightwish' White Night Fantasy - A66789

Siberian (8)
BOB - Rynnti Mirage On Lake Baikal - A68894
BOS - Nightwish' Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart - A66816

Turkish Angora (10)
BOB - LightningStrike Blazing Sun - A68129
BOS - Child Of Sky at Fango - A63580

Turkish Van (6)
BOB - It's All About Winnie at Fango - A65487
BOS - Rebirth's Greeks Bearing Gifts - A65590

Feline 2

American Shorthair (5)
BOB - LWH's Floating Silver - A54780
BOS - LWH's Mother's Cat - A59446

Black and White Shorthair (8)
BOB - NB Running Down the Lakeshore - A68250
BOS - Shadowfox's I'm Better Than You - A64001

British Shorthair (13)
BOB - Viking's Vanilli Spot - A64874
BOS - seeAhTay's Playne as Day - A59682

Exotic (12)
BOB - Grandeur Tropical Nights - A54487
BOS - Grandeur Paper Tiger - A52298

Persian (12)
BOB - Gregarious Fellow of Grandeur - A44027
BOS - Grandeur Cloud Nine - A67880

Feline 3

Alley Cat (6)
BOB - NB/Paradigm's Fallen Bounty - A56608
BOS - NYNK's Making A Comeback - A60645

American Bobtail (8)
BOB - Vulpes Corner of Fourth and Freymont - A65450
BOS - Lakeshore's Horton Hears A Who - A64402

American Curl (7)
BOB - Viking's How 'Bout Them Cowgirls - A60022
BOS - Nightwish' Death Is In Love With Us - A66818

Cymric (9)
BOB - Tartan's Master of Ceremony - A60735
BOS - Vulpes Clarity - A60192

Manx (7)
BOB - Viking's Snowball - A61908
BOS - Nightwish' Aiheutuva Kuu - A65315

Munchkin (7)
BOB - LS No Control
BOS - LightningStrike After the Storm - A66405

Feline 4

Cornish Rex (6)
BOB - Fango's You Are The One - A67127
BOS - Rebirth's Day Old Hate - A65727

Devon Rex (5)
BOB - BCKC's Pillar of Creation - A57736
BOS - SWSK's Jump for It - A68269

La Perm (6)
BOB - Viking's Lulu Loopylocks - A65018
BOS - Junee's Dispels Your Anger - A63823

Peterbald (6)
BOB - I'm Your Godess at Fango - A65563
BOS - Daerlicht Ziggy Stardust - A68270

Selkirk Rex (8)
BOB - Side Effects at Fango - A65307
BOS - Viking's Black Sheep - A61853

Sphynx (9)
BOB - Popcorn's Updated Software - A63165
BOS - Eq's Puzzles - A65815

Feline 5

Abyssinian (11)
BOB - Vulpes Sexy Tunes - A67660
BOS - UMZ Winner Takes All - A68497

Balinese (6)
BOB - Nightwish' Stars In The Sky - A63783
BOS - Eq's Optometry - A65813

Siamese (10)
BOB - NYNK's Stubborn Puss - A61967
BOS - SeeAhTay's Step One - A60291

Somali (6)
BOB - Popcorn's Win Win Situation - A66860
BOS - Eq's Moon Party - A65879

Feline 6

American Havana Brown (5)
BOB - Rebel's Smoking That Cuban Cigarette - A66853
BOS - Nightwish' Cookie Addicted - A67256

Bengal (6)
BOB - Viking's Dhaka - A65019
BOS - Viking's Barisal - A65020

Nebelung (5)
BOB - La Gare de Cent Ans a LS - A65296
BOS - NDOSB's Mystery Matrix - A61838

Tiffanie (5)
BOB - Novablue Not A Lion - A67259


English Cocker Spaniel (3) - TS's Queen of Camelot - A67982
English Setter (4) - Fango Crossed In Love - A66751
German Shorhaired Pointer (2) - Reeva Rose of Gunhill - A63653
German Wirehaired Pointer (2) - Sunhill's Raues Gelande - A68856
Irish Red And White Setter (4) - Shadowfox/BC's Jitter Bug - A68896
Irish Water Spaniel (3) - Vulpes Belsunce Breakdown - A60751
Kooikerhondje (3) - Cambria Farmer's Song - A65447
Portuguese Pointer (3) - Fango's Best Starcatcher - A60409
Chart Polski (1) - Lakeshore's Arabian Princess - A68254
Deerhound (1) - Junee's Youthful Strength - A63807
Drever (2) - Fango's In The Saddle - A65439
Dunker (1) - LightningStrike From Space - A65036
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (1) - Chaotic's Salvia Divinorum - A65084
Irish Wolfhound (1) - Energy For Convenience - A61115
Pharaoh Hound (4) - Emblematic of Gunhill - A66190
Redbone Coonhound (4) - N/A
Sloughi (2) - N/A
Azores Cattle Dog (4) - N/A
Bearded Collie (2) - Toretto Wish It All Away - A66974
Bergamasco (4) - Kamvis' Montenero di Bisacci - A67860
Great Pyrenees (3) - Wildfyre's Storming The Castle - A51011
Iceland Dog (4) - Sunhill's Doppa Dora - A57306
Lancashire Heeler (4) - HWC Shout And Scream - A66703
Puli (3) - Cudley Duddley of Gunhill - A66915
White Shepherd (4) - Neptune of Gunhill - A66041
Dandie Dinmont Terrier (4) - PCK's The Lord of the Isles - A58146
Glen of Imaal Terrier (3) - Sunhill's Ship O'Hoy - A64140
Irish Terrier (4) - PrimRose's Sweet Talker - A65593
Japanese Terrier (4) - Fango Overdramatic - A64072
Miniature Schnauzer (4) - GDK Better With The Spray - A51593
Norfolk Terrier(4) - Tartan's Class Act - A61574
Norwhich Terrier(4) - Cambria Fantasy and Delusion - A64165
Patterdale Terrier (2) - Fango Fell In Love - A62062
Scottish Terrier (3) - NYNK's Run If You Can - A62021
Skye Terrier (3) - Junee's Fake Currency - A64347
Affenpinscher (4) - Chaotic's Action Sequence - A64950
Chihuahua (Shorthair) (1) - NYNK's Mind Illusion - A62235
Chinese Crested (4) - Fango's Suyin - A65225
Havanese (4) - Lakeshore's Sweeney Todd - A59960
Maltese (2) - Fango Close Up and Down - A67301
Pekingese (3) - Tzu Ti Tang of Kezia - A64714
Pug (4) - Energy's Last Message - A66024
Russian Toy (4) - Fango's Fire - A65562
Volpino Italiano (4) - Fango So White - A65070
Keeshond (4) - Hot Chilli Pepper of Kezia - A62121
Miniature Poodle (2) - Magic Moments of Kezia - A67572
Schipperke (4) - Northshore Sweet Embrace - A68263
Shiba Inu (4) - Energy Switching Souls - A61210
Tibetan Spaniel (2) - Bramblewood's Orange You Glad - A63423
Appenzell Mountain Dog (2) - Fango's Best For Summer - A68620
Bernese Mountain Dog (4) - Providence Lets Walk to DragonStone - A68928
Black Russian Terrier (2) - Lakeshore's Black Gold - A68532
Central Asian Ovtcharka (3) - Jushmigel of Kezia - A65270
Dogo Argentino (2) - Fango Gentle Wisdom - A59484
Greenland dog (3) - Toretto Unwritten Rundown - A65338
Hovawart (4) - Toretto Breaking Through It - A65293
Karst Shepherd Dog (4) - Eq's Go Veg - A65844
Landseer (4) - Courtney'z Here Lizard,Lizard,Lizard - A52096
Newfoundland (3) - Puerto Negro/Niuff's Na Nanana Nana - A67815
Pyrenean Mastiff (3) - Puerto Negro's Familia Alarto Verto - A67816
Standard Schnauzer (2) - Lakeshore's Criminal Act - A57453
Tatra Shepherd Dog (2) - Kamvis' HARNAŚ - A66700
Tosa Inu (4) - ANC's Come What May - A67385

Ragdoll (3) - N/A
Sokoke (4) - Imperial's Criminal Intent - A50553
Calico (4) - Vixen's Hit List - A68719
Chartreux (4) - Rebirth's Sacred Order - A67355
Tabby (4) - Nightwish' Eye Of The Tiger - A66803
Japanese Bobtail (4) - Information Driven at Fango - A65305
Orange Shorthair (3) - NYNK's Fuzzy Maraca - A62057
American Wirehair (4) - Nightwish' Burning Bridges - A66785
Oriental Longhair (4) - Imperial's This Is Me - A50734
Oriental Shorthair (2) - Imperial's White As Sour Cream - A50552
Seychellois (4) - Lakeshore's Regal Name - A49938
Singapura (2) - Viking's Classing Up - A62073
Bombay (3) - Grandeur Local Lore - A51075
Ojos azules (2) - Nova Blue Jungle Stalker - A63197
Snowshoe (2) - N/A


Mice & Curry

Well, one of my new mice is preggers. So if anyone reading is in need of a mouse, let me know! Pets only- I don't mind if you have reptiles/snakes etc etc but these guys aren't food. No breeders either. Millet is a very pretty satin blue brindle merle, carrying tan, so there should def be brindles. Blues, yellow, merle, roan, tan-marked, and white markings are possible too. I don't have a camera right now but I'll get a hold of one asap. Males, single 3$, Females, pair 5$ trio 7$ Will come with care packet, food sample, and I'll take back at any time if you can't keep.

We still have everyone else, and Gumbo is doing great. Vega isn't doing so well(she has tumors and probably lymphoma or leukemia), she has good days and bad days. Linus and Tact, who will be 2 on Dec 1(!!!) are doing great. The clown loaches have ick but are doing okay. I love those silly fish :(

I am going to try and post a couple recipes each week. We had this yesterday.

Mango-Pumpkin Curry

1/2 onion, diced
2" ginger or more, peeled, cut into matchsticks
1 Mango, diced
thai-style yellow curry paste, to taste(this is supposed to be a mild curry)
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 can coconut milk
1 lb tofu, diced(or you could use something else - I'd go with cooked pork or chicken)
2 small zucchini, sliced
1 lb pumpkin, peeled and diced
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
2 cups rice
Lime wedges(optional)

Start boiling the rice & steaming the veggies first. Fry ginger and onion in a bit of oil until soft. Add in curry paste to taste. Remove from heat(to avoid splatters) and stir in coconut milk, mango and tofu(or cooked meat) and cook on low until the veggies & rice are done. Sprinkle the pomegranate seeds on top of each serving - don't heat 'em or they'll get soft. Add lime wedges on the side. Makes 4-ish servings.


Gumbo(1 yr 4 mo) Currently battling with myco :(

Catfish the three-year-old

Popcorn, black berkshire rex doe(l) & Fennel, silvered black berkshire dumbo buck(r)



Calamari says "eww dog germs!"


Catfish by the sea...

Taken June 9th, 2008